This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.30.6-2.2 (MiKTeX 2.5) (preloaded format=latex 2007.6.6) 24 DEC 2007 23:33 entering extended mode **cs_interpolazione_2008.tex (cs_interpolazione_2008.tex LaTeX2e <2005/12/01> Babel and hyphenation patterns for english, dumylang, nohyphenation, ge rman, ngerman, french, italian, loaded. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\base\article.cls" Document Class: article 2005/09/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX document class ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\base\size10.clo" File: size10.clo 2005/09/16 v1.4f Standard LaTeX file (size option) ) \c@part=\count79 \c@section=\count80 \c@subsection=\count81 \c@subsubsection=\count82 \c@paragraph=\count83 \c@subparagraph=\count84 \c@figure=\count85 \c@table=\count86 \abovecaptionskip=\skip41 \belowcaptionskip=\skip42 \bibindent=\dimen102 ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\amsfonts\amsfonts.sty" Package: amsfonts 2001/10/25 v2.2f \@emptytoks=\toks14 \symAMSa=\mathgroup4 \symAMSb=\mathgroup5 LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting math alphabet `\mathfrak' in version `bold' (Font) U/euf/m/n --> U/euf/b/n on input line 132. ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\amsmath\amsmath.sty" Package: amsmath 2000/07/18 v2.13 AMS math features \@mathmargin=\skip43 For additional information on amsmath, use the `?' option. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\amsmath\amstext.sty" Package: amstext 2000/06/29 v2.01 ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\amsmath\amsgen.sty" File: amsgen.sty 1999/11/30 v2.0 \@emptytoks=\toks15 \ex@=\dimen103 )) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\amsmath\amsbsy.sty" Package: amsbsy 1999/11/29 v1.2d \pmbraise@=\dimen104 ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\amsmath\amsopn.sty" Package: amsopn 1999/12/14 v2.01 operator names ) \inf@bad=\count87 LaTeX Info: Redefining \frac on input line 211. \uproot@=\count88 \leftroot@=\count89 LaTeX Info: Redefining \overline on input line 307. \classnum@=\count90 \DOTSCASE@=\count91 LaTeX Info: Redefining \ldots on input line 379. LaTeX Info: Redefining \dots on input line 382. LaTeX Info: Redefining \cdots on input line 467. \Mathstrutbox@=\box26 \strutbox@=\box27 \big@size=\dimen105 LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding OML on input line 567. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding OMS on input line 568. \macc@depth=\count92 \c@MaxMatrixCols=\count93 \dotsspace@=\muskip10 \c@parentequation=\count94 \dspbrk@lvl=\count95 \tag@help=\toks16 \row@=\count96 \column@=\count97 \maxfields@=\count98 \andhelp@=\toks17 \eqnshift@=\dimen106 \alignsep@=\dimen107 \tagshift@=\dimen108 \tagwidth@=\dimen109 \totwidth@=\dimen110 \lineht@=\dimen111 \@envbody=\toks18 \multlinegap=\skip44 \multlinetaggap=\skip45 \mathdisplay@stack=\toks19 LaTeX Info: Redefining \[ on input line 2666. LaTeX Info: Redefining \] on input line 2667. ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\amsfonts\amssymb.sty" Package: amssymb 2002/01/22 v2.2d ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\fancyvrb\fancyvrb.sty" Package: fancyvrb 1998/07/17 Style option: `fancyvrb' v2.6, with DG/SPQR fixes <1998/07/17> (tvz) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\graphics\keyval.sty" Package: keyval 1999/03/16 v1.13 key=value parser (DPC) \KV@toks@=\toks20 ) \FV@CodeLineNo=\count99 \FV@InFile=\read1 \FV@TabBox=\box28 \c@FancyVerbLine=\count100 \FV@StepNumber=\count101 \FV@OutFile=\write3 No file fancyvrb.cfg. ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\ltxmisc\here.sty") ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\fourier\fourier.sty" Package: fourier 2005/01/01 1.4 fourier-GUTenberg package ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\base\fontenc.sty" Package: fontenc 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX package ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\base\t1enc.def" File: t1enc.def 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX file LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring font encoding T1 on input line 43. )) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\base\textcomp.sty" Package: textcomp 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX package Package textcomp Info: Sub-encoding information: (textcomp) 5 = only ISO-Adobe without \textcurrency (textcomp) 4 = 5 + \texteuro (textcomp) 3 = 4 + \textohm (textcomp) 2 = 3 + \textestimated + \textcurrency (textcomp) 1 = TS1 - \textcircled - \t (textcomp) 0 = TS1 (full) (textcomp) Font families with sub-encoding setting implement (textcomp) only a restricted character set as indicated. (textcomp) Family '?' is the default used for unknown fonts. (textcomp) See the documentation for details. Package textcomp Info: Setting ? sub-encoding to TS1/1 on input line 71. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\base\ts1enc.def" File: ts1enc.def 2001/06/05 v3.0e (jk/car/fm) Standard LaTeX file ) LaTeX Info: Redefining \oldstylenums on input line 266. Package textcomp Info: Setting cmr sub-encoding to TS1/0 on input line 281. Package textcomp Info: Setting cmss sub-encoding to TS1/0 on input line 282. Package textcomp Info: Setting cmtt sub-encoding to TS1/0 on input line 283. Package textcomp Info: Setting cmvtt sub-encoding to TS1/0 on input line 284. Package textcomp Info: Setting cmbr sub-encoding to TS1/0 on input line 285. Package textcomp Info: Setting cmtl sub-encoding to TS1/0 on input line 286. Package textcomp Info: Setting ccr sub-encoding to TS1/0 on input line 287. Package textcomp Info: Setting ptm sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 288. Package textcomp Info: Setting pcr sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 289. Package textcomp Info: Setting phv sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 290. Package textcomp Info: Setting ppl sub-encoding to TS1/3 on input line 291. Package textcomp Info: Setting pag sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 292. Package textcomp Info: Setting pbk sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 293. Package textcomp Info: Setting pnc sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 294. Package textcomp Info: Setting pzc sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 295. Package textcomp Info: Setting bch sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 296. Package textcomp Info: Setting put sub-encoding to TS1/5 on input line 297. Package textcomp Info: Setting uag sub-encoding to TS1/5 on input line 298. Package textcomp Info: Setting ugq sub-encoding to TS1/5 on input line 299. Package textcomp Info: Setting ul8 sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 300. Package textcomp Info: Setting ul9 sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 301. Package textcomp Info: Setting augie sub-encoding to TS1/5 on input line 302. Package textcomp Info: Setting dayrom sub-encoding to TS1/3 on input line 303. Package textcomp Info: Setting dayroms sub-encoding to TS1/3 on input line 304. Package textcomp Info: Setting pxr sub-encoding to TS1/0 on input line 305. Package textcomp Info: Setting pxss sub-encoding to TS1/0 on input line 306. Package textcomp Info: Setting pxtt sub-encoding to TS1/0 on input line 307. Package textcomp Info: Setting txr sub-encoding to TS1/0 on input line 308. Package textcomp Info: Setting txss sub-encoding to TS1/0 on input line 309. Package textcomp Info: Setting txtt sub-encoding to TS1/0 on input line 310. Package textcomp Info: Setting futs sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 311. Package textcomp Info: Setting futx sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 312. Package textcomp Info: Setting futj sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 313. Package textcomp Info: Setting hlh sub-encoding to TS1/3 on input line 314. Package textcomp Info: Setting hls sub-encoding to TS1/3 on input line 315. Package textcomp Info: Setting hlst sub-encoding to TS1/3 on input line 316. Package textcomp Info: Setting hlct sub-encoding to TS1/5 on input line 317. Package textcomp Info: Setting hlx sub-encoding to TS1/5 on input line 318. Package textcomp Info: Setting hlce sub-encoding to TS1/5 on input line 319. Package textcomp Info: Setting hlcn sub-encoding to TS1/5 on input line 320. Package textcomp Info: Setting hlcw sub-encoding to TS1/5 on input line 321. Package textcomp Info: Setting hlcf sub-encoding to TS1/5 on input line 322. Package textcomp Info: Setting pplx sub-encoding to TS1/3 on input line 323. Package textcomp Info: Setting pplj sub-encoding to TS1/3 on input line 324. Package textcomp Info: Setting ptmx sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 325. Package textcomp Info: Setting ptmj sub-encoding to TS1/4 on input line 326. ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\fourier\fourier-orns.sty" Package: fourier-orns 2004/01/30 1.1 fourier-ornaments package ) LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring symbol font `operators' on input line 50. LaTeX Font Warning: Encoding `OT1' has changed to `T1' for symbol font (Font) `operators' in the math version `normal' on input line 50. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `normal' (Font) OT1/cmr/m/n --> T1/futs/m/n on input line 50. LaTeX Font Warning: Encoding `OT1' has changed to `T1' for symbol font (Font) `operators' in the math version `bold' on input line 50. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `bold' (Font) OT1/cmr/bx/n --> T1/futs/m/n on input line 50. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `operators' in version `bold' (Font) T1/futs/m/n --> T1/futs/b/n on input line 51. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring symbol font `letters' on input line 59. LaTeX Font Warning: Encoding `OML' has changed to `FML' for symbol font (Font) `letters' in the math version `normal' on input line 59. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `letters' in version `normal' (Font) OML/cmm/m/it --> FML/futmi/m/it on input line 59. LaTeX Font Warning: Encoding `OML' has changed to `FML' for symbol font (Font) `letters' in the math version `bold' on input line 59. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `letters' in version `bold' (Font) OML/cmm/b/it --> FML/futmi/m/it on input line 59. \symotherletters=\mathgroup6 LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `letters' in version `bold' (Font) FML/futmi/m/it --> FML/futmi/b/it on input line 61. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `otherletters' in version `bold' (Font) FML/futm/m/it --> FML/futm/b/it on input line 62. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Gamma on input line 63. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Delta on input line 64. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Theta on input line 65. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Lambda on input line 66. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Xi on input line 67. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Pi on input line 68. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Sigma on input line 69. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Upsilon on input line 70. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Phi on input line 71. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Psi on input line 72. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \Omega on input line 73. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring symbol font `symbols' on input line 113. LaTeX Font Warning: Encoding `OMS' has changed to `FMS' for symbol font (Font) `symbols' in the math version `normal' on input line 113. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `symbols' in version `normal' (Font) OMS/cmsy/m/n --> FMS/futm/m/n on input line 113. LaTeX Font Warning: Encoding `OMS' has changed to `FMS' for symbol font (Font) `symbols' in the math version `bold' on input line 113. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `symbols' in version `bold' (Font) OMS/cmsy/b/n --> FMS/futm/m/n on input line 113. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring symbol font `largesymbols' on input line 114. LaTeX Font Warning: Encoding `OMX' has changed to `FMX' for symbol font (Font) `largesymbols' in the math version `normal' on input line 1 14. LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `largesymbols' in version `normal' (Font) OMX/cmex/m/n --> FMX/futm/m/n on input line 114. LaTeX Font Warning: Encoding `OMX' has changed to `FMX' for symbol font (Font) `largesymbols' in the math version `bold' on input line 114 . LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `largesymbols' in version `bold' (Font) OMX/cmex/m/n --> FMX/futm/m/n on input line 114. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math alphabet \mathbf on input line 115. 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LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \vDash on input line 129. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \blacktriangleleft on input line 13 0. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \blacktriangleright on input line 1 31. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \nleqslant on input line 132. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \ngeqslant on input line 133. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \parallel on input line 134. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \nparallel on input line 135. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \nvDash on input line 137. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \intercal on input line 138. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \hslash on input line 139. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \nexists on input line 140. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \complement on input line 141. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \varsubsetneq on input line 142. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \hbar on input line 148. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \smallsetminus on input line 149. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \subsetneqq on input line 150. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \rightrightarrows on input line 151 . LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \leftleftarrows on input line 152. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \square on input line 153. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \curvearrowleft on input line 154. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \curvearrowright on input line 155. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \blacksquare on input line 156. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \varkappa on input line 186. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math symbol \varvarrho on input line 187. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \Vert on input line 210. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \vert on input line 215. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \lvert on input line 217. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \rvert on input line 219. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \lVert on input line 221. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \rVert on input line 223. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \Downarrow on input line 225. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \backslash on input line 227. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \rangle on input line 229. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \langle on input line 231. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \rbrace on input line 233. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \lbrace on input line 235. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \rceil on input line 237. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \lceil on input line 239. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \rfloor on input line 241. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math delimiter \lfloor on input line 243. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \acute on input line 247. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \grave on input line 248. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \ddot on input line 249. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \tilde on input line 250. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \bar on input line 251. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \breve on input line 252. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \check on input line 253. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \hat on input line 254. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \dot on input line 255. LaTeX Font Info: Redeclaring math accent \mathring on input line 256. \symUfutm=\mathgroup7 ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\psnfss\helvet.sty" Package: helvet 2005/04/12 PSNFSS-v9.2a (WaS) ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\fancyhdr\fancyhdr.sty" \fancy@headwidth=\skip46 \f@ncyO@elh=\skip47 \f@ncyO@erh=\skip48 \f@ncyO@olh=\skip49 \f@ncyO@orh=\skip50 \f@ncyO@elf=\skip51 \f@ncyO@erf=\skip52 \f@ncyO@olf=\skip53 \f@ncyO@orf=\skip54 ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\float\float.sty" Package: float 2001/11/08 v1.3d Float enhancements (AL) \c@float@type=\count102 \float@exts=\toks21 \float@box=\box29 \@float@everytoks=\toks22 \@floatcapt=\box30 ) \@float@every@program=\toks23 \c@program=\count103 \c@theorem=\count104 ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\epsf\epsf.sty" This is `epsf.tex' v2.7.3 <23 July 2005> \epsffilein=\read2 \epsfframemargin=\dimen112 \epsfframethickness=\dimen113 \epsfrsize=\dimen114 \epsftmp=\dimen115 \epsftsize=\dimen116 \epsfxsize=\dimen117 \epsfysize=\dimen118 \pspoints=\dimen119 ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\graphics\graphicx.sty" Package: graphicx 1999/02/16 v1.0f Enhanced LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\graphics\graphics.sty" Package: graphics 2006/02/20 v1.0o Standard LaTeX Graphics (DPC,SPQR) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\graphics\trig.sty" Package: trig 1999/03/16 v1.09 sin cos tan (DPC) ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\00miktex\graphics.cfg" File: graphics.cfg 2005/12/29 v1.2 MiKTeX 'graphics' configuration ) Package graphics Info: Driver file: dvips.def on input line 90. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\graphics\dvips.def" File: dvips.def 1999/02/16 v3.0i Driver-dependant file (DPC,SPQR) )) \Gin@req@height=\dimen120 \Gin@req@width=\dimen121 ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\psfrag\psfrag.sty" Package: psfrag 1998/04/11 v3.04 PSfrag (MCG) \pfg@pcount=\count105 \pfg@scount=\count106 \pfg@temp=\write4 ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\graphics\color.sty" Package: color 2005/11/14 v1.0j Standard LaTeX Color (DPC) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\00miktex\color.cfg" File: color.cfg 2005/12/29 v1.1 MiKTeX 'color' configuration ) Package color Info: Driver file: dvips.def on input line 130. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\graphics\dvipsnam.def" File: dvipsnam.def 1999/02/16 v3.0i Driver-dependant file (DPC,SPQR) )) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\pst-grad\pst-grad.sty" ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\pstricks\pstricks.sty" Package: pstricks 2006/08/10 v0.32 LaTeX wrapper for `PSTricks' (RN,HV) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\generic\pstricks\pstricks.tex" `PSTricks' v1.15 <2006/12/22> (tvz) \pst@dima=\dimen122 \pst@dimb=\dimen123 \pst@dimc=\dimen124 \pst@dimd=\dimen125 \pst@dimg=\dimen126 \pst@dimh=\dimen127 \pst@hbox=\box31 \pst@boxg=\box32 \pst@cnta=\count107 \pst@cntb=\count108 \pst@cntc=\count109 \pst@cntd=\count110 \pst@cntg=\count111 \pst@cnth=\count112 \pst@toks=\toks24 ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\generic\pstricks\pstricks.con") \psunit=\dimen128 \psxunit=\dimen129 \psyunit=\dimen130 \pslinewidth=\dimen131 \pst@customdefs=\toks25 \pslinearc=\dimen132 \everypsbox=\toks26 \psframesep=\dimen133 \pslabelsep=\dimen134 \psk@shift=\dimen135 \pst@shift=\dimen136 \theoverlaybox=\box33 ) File: pstricks.tex 2006/12/22 v1.15 `PSTricks' (tvz) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\xcolor\xcolor.sty" Package: xcolor 2006/11/28 v2.10 LaTeX color extensions (UK) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\00miktex\color.cfg" File: color.cfg 2005/12/29 v1.1 MiKTeX 'color' configuration ) Package xcolor Info: Package option `override' ignored on input line 216. Package xcolor Info: Driver file: dvips.def on input line 225. LaTeX Info: Redefining \color on input line 702. Package xcolor Info: Model `cmy' substituted by `cmy0' on input line 1337. Package xcolor Info: Model `RGB' extended on input line 1353. Package xcolor Info: Model `HTML' substituted by `rgb' on input line 1355. Package xcolor Info: Model `Hsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1356. Package xcolor Info: Model `tHsb' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1357. Package xcolor Info: Model `HSB' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1358. Package xcolor Info: Model `Gray' substituted by `gray' on input line 1359. Package xcolor Info: Model `wave' substituted by `hsb' on input line 1360. )) Package: pst-grad 2004/07/15 package wrapper for pst-grad.tex (hv) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\generic\pst-grad\pst-grad.tex" ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\generic\xkeyval\pst-xkey.tex" File: pst-xkey.tex 2005/11/25 v1.6 PSTricks specialization of xkeyval (HA) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\xkeyval\xkeyval.sty" Package: xkeyval 2006/11/18 v2.5f package option processing (HA) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\generic\xkeyval\xkeyval.tex" \XKV@toks=\toks27 \XKV@depth=\count113 File: xkeyval.tex 2006/11/18 v2.5f key=value parser (HA) ))) `pst-plot' v1.05, 2006/11/04 (tvz,dg,hv)) File: pst-grad.tex 2006/11/04 1.05 `pst-grad' (tvz) ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\base\latexsym.sty" Package: latexsym 1998/08/17 v2.2e Standard LaTeX package (lasy symbols) \symlasy=\mathgroup8 LaTeX Font Info: Overwriting symbol font `lasy' in version `bold' (Font) U/lasy/m/n --> U/lasy/b/n on input line 47. ) ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\misc209\psboxit.sty" \gray@box=\box34 \gray@space=\dimen137 ) (cs_interpolazione_2008.aux LaTeX Warning: Label `fig1' multiply defined. LaTeX Warning: Label `fig1' multiply defined. LaTeX Warning: Label `fig1' multiply defined. LaTeX Warning: Label `2a' multiply defined. LaTeX Warning: Label `WIKIN' multiply defined. ) LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OML/cmm/m/it on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for T1/cmr/m/n on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OT1/cmr/m/n on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMS/cmsy/m/n on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for OMX/cmex/m/n on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for U/cmr/m/n on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for FML/futm/m/it on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for FML+futm on input line 98. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\fourier\fmlfutm.fd" File: fmlfutm.fd 2004/10/30 Fontinst v1.926 font definitions for FML/futm. ) LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for FMS/futm/m/n on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for FMS+futm on input line 98. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\fourier\fmsfutm.fd" File: fmsfutm.fd 2004/10/30 Fontinst v1.926 font definitions for FMS/futm. ) LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for FMX/futm/m/n on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for FMX+futm on input line 98. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\fourier\fmxfutm.fd" File: fmxfutm.fd futm-extension ) LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Checking defaults for TS1/cmr/m/n on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for TS1+cmr on input line 98. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\base\ts1cmr.fd" File: ts1cmr.fd 1999/05/25 v2.5h Standard LaTeX font definitions ) LaTeX Font Info: ... okay on input line 98. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for T1+futs on input line 98. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\fourier\t1futs.fd" File: t1futs.fd 2004/03/02 Fontinst v1.926 font definitions for T1/futs. ) LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `T1/futs/bx/n' in size <20.74> not available (Font) Font shape `T1/futs/b/n' tried instead on input line 105. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for FML+futmi on input line 10 5. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\fourier\fmlfutmi.fd" File: fmlfutmi.fd 2004/10/30 Fontinst v1.926 font definitions for FML/futmi. ) LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `FMX/futm/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 11.03998pt on input line 105. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `FMX/futm/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 8.27998pt on input line 105. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `FMX/futm/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 6.43999pt on input line 105. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for U+msa on input line 105. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\amsfonts\umsa.fd" File: umsa.fd 2002/01/19 v2.2g AMS font definitions ) LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for U+msb on input line 105. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\amsfonts\umsb.fd" File: umsb.fd 2002/01/19 v2.2g AMS font definitions ) LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `U/futm/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 11.03998pt on input line 105. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `U/futm/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 8.27998pt on input line 105. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `U/futm/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 6.43999pt on input line 105. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for U+lasy on input line 105. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\base\ulasy.fd" File: ulasy.fd 1998/08/17 v2.2e LaTeX symbol font definitions ) LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `T1/futs/bx/n' in size <14.4> not available (Font) Font shape `T1/futs/b/n' tried instead on input line 108. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `FMX/futm/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 9.19998pt on input line 109. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `FMX/futm/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 6.99199pt on input line 109. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `FMX/futm/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 5.51999pt on input line 109. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `U/futm/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 9.19998pt on input line 109. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `U/futm/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 6.99199pt on input line 109. LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `U/futm/m/n' will be (Font) scaled to size 5.51999pt on input line 109. [1 ] File: runge_foto.eps Graphic file (type eps) File: Lagrange.eps Graphic file (type eps) LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `T1/futs/bx/n' in size <10> not available (Font) Font shape `T1/futs/b/n' tried instead on input line 179. [2] File: Chebyshev.eps Graphic file (type eps) File: RLobatto_c.eps Graphic file (type eps) LaTeX Warning: `!h' float specifier changed to `!ht'. [3] File: interpolazione.eps Graphic file (type eps) LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for TS1+futs on input line 288 . ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\fourier\ts1futs.fd" File: ts1futs.fd 2004/03/26 Fontinst v1.926 font definitions for TS1/futs. ) Overfull \hbox (17.61945pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 290--296 []\T1/futs/m/n/10 usando $\FML/futmi/m/it/10 n$ \T1/futs/m/n/10 nodi eq-ui-s-pa ziati (con al-cuni val-ori di $\FML/futmi/m/it/10 n$ \T1/futs/m/n/10 tra $6$ e $11$) e $\FML/futmi/m/it/10 n$ \T1/futs/m/n/10 nodi di Chebyshev- [] File: runge.eps Graphic file (type eps) LaTeX Font Info: Font shape `T1/futs/bx/n' in size <12> not available (Font) Font shape `T1/futs/b/n' tried instead on input line 305. LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for T1+lmtt on input line 306. ("C:\Programmi\MiKTeX 2.5\tex\latex\lm\t1lmtt.fd" File: t1lmtt.fd 2006/04/24 v1.2 Font defs for Latin Modern ) [4] [5] [6] [7] Overfull \hbox (9.90948pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 449--450 [][]\T1/futs/m/n/10 aiutandosi con l'help è pos-si-bile avere un'idea di cosa f ac-cia il co-mando \T1/lmtt/m/n/10 polyfit [] [8] [9] Overfull \hbox (9.90948pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 522--523 [][]\T1/futs/m/n/10 aiutandosi con l'help è pos-si-bile avere un'idea di cosa f ac-cia il co-mando \T1/lmtt/m/n/10 polyval [] [10] Overfull \hbox (4.17952pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 575--577 [][]\T1/futs/m/n/10 l'errore dell'interpolante della fun-zione di Runge nei nod i di Chebyshev-Gauss- [] LaTeX Warning: Reference `[' on page 11 undefined on input line 578. Overfull \hbox (4.127pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 578--579 \T1/futs/m/n/10 meglio. Ri-cor-diamo che la fun-zione di Runge è $\FML/futmi/m/ it/10 C[]\T1/futs/m/n/10 ([\FMS/futm/m/n/10 \T1/futs/m/n/10 5\FML/futmi/m/it/1 0 ; \T1/futs/m/n/10 5])$ e sus-siste il seguente [] Overfull \hbox (8.40448pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 590--590 []\T1/futs/b/n/14.4 Facoltativo e tec-nico: sul cal-colo dell'interpolante poli - [] Overfull \hbox (4.0827pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 599--601 []\T1/futs/m/n/10 Variamo in \T1/lmtt/m/n/10 esperimento \T1/futs/m/n/10 la var i-abile $\FML/futmi/m/it/10 n$\T1/futs/m/n/10 , po-nen-dola uguale a $13$. Mat- lab da' il seguente [] [11] [12] Overfull \hbox (7.13931pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 717--720 []\T1/futs/m/n/10 segno che i risul-tati ot-tenuti con \T1/lmtt/m/n/10 polyfit \T1/futs/m/n/10 sono in-ac-cetta-bili, men-tre quelli di \T1/lmtt/m/n/10 baryla g [] [13] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 730--734 [] Overfull \hbox (13.58939pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 754--756 [][]\T1/futs/m/n/10 il pro-gramma è una vari-ante di quanto visto in \T1/lmtt/m /n/10 esperimento.m\T1/futs/m/n/10 , per una adeguata [] [14] Overfull \hbox (2.42935pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 759--762 []\T1/futs/m/n/10 visto che si deve va-l-utare l'errore su un solo punto, il co -mando \T1/lmtt/m/n/10 norm(...,inf) [] Overfull \hbox (28.19275pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 769--770 []\T1/futs/b/n/10 Esercizio. \T1/futs/m/n/10 Aiu-tan-dosi con Mat-lab/Octave es -eguire un pro-gramma che cal-coli l'interpolante [] [15] Underfull \hbox (badness 2181) in paragraph at lines 846--847 [][]\T1/futs/m/n/10 J.P. Berrut and L.N.Trefethen, \T1/futs/m/sl/10 Barycen-tri c La-grange in-ter-po-la-tion\T1/futs/m/n/10 , (SIAM [] Overfull \hbox (30.02895pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 846--847 \T1/lmtt/m/n/10 .pdf\T1/futs/m/n/10 . [] Overfull \hbox (24.77896pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 850--851 \T1/lmtt/m/n/10 tml\T1/futs/m/n/10 . [] [16] Overfull \hbox (19.52898pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 851--852 \T1/lmtt/m/n/10 ml\T1/futs/m/n/10 . [] Underfull \hbox (badness 10000) in paragraph at lines 853--855 [][]\T1/futs/m/n/10 The Math-Works Inc., \T1/futs/m/sl/10 Nu-mer-i-cal Com-put- ing with Mat-lab\T1/futs/m/n/10 , [] Overfull \hbox (11.83899pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 867--868 \T1/lmtt/m/n/10 ? [] [17] (cs_interpolazione_2008.aux) LaTeX Warning: There were undefined references. LaTeX Warning: There were multiply-defined labels. ) (\end occurred inside a group at level 1) ### simple group (level 1) entered at line 248 ({) ### bottom level Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 5164 strings out of 95403 60324 string characters out of 1187182 126456 words of memory out of 1125017 8035 multiletter control sequences out of 60000 93352 words of font info for 82 fonts, out of 1000000 for 2000 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191 37i,12n,43p,545b,505s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,10000p,200000b,32768s Output written on cs_interpolazione_2008.dvi (17 pages, 57636 bytes).