We know, thanks to the work of A. Weil, that counting points of
varieties over finite fields yields purely topological information
about them. For example, an algebraic curve is topologically a
certain number g of donuts glued together. The same quantity g, on
the other hand, determines how the number of points it has over a
finite field grows as the size of this field increases.
This interaction between complex geometry, the continuous, and
finite field geometry, the discrete, has been a very fruitful two-way
street that allows the transfer of results from one context to the
In this talk I will first describe how we may count the number of
points over finite fields for certain character varieties,
parameterizing representations of the fundamental group of a Riemann
surface into GL_n. The calculation involves an array of techniques
from combinatorics to the representation theory of finite groups of
Lie type. I will then discuss the geometric implications of this
computation and the conjectures it has led to.
This is joint work with T. Hausel and E. Letellier