Session C. Quadrature and cubature formulas, numerical methods for integral equations.

Organizer: E. Venturino (Turin, I)

F. Calabrò and A. Corbo Esposito
Quadrature with respect to balanced measures

R. Cools
Construction of lattice rules: from K-optimal lattices to extremal lattices

F. D. d'Almeida, M. Ahues, and R. Fernandes
Error Bounds and Discretization Grids in the Solution of Weakly Singular Integral Equations

W. Gautschi
Gauss quadratures for two classes of logarithmic weight functions

A. Aimi, M. Diligenti, C. Guardasoni
Efficient numerical integration schemes for the discretization of hypersingul ar BIEs related to wave propagation problems

P. M. Lima, M. F. Teodoro, N. J. Ford, and P. M. Lumb
Numerical Solution of Backward-Forward Equations using Matrix Preconditioning

G. Mantica
Dynamical Systems and Numerical Analysis: the Study of Measures and of Jacobi Matrices generated by uncountable I.F.S.

L. Morgado and P. Lima
Numerical solution of a singular boundary value problem for the p-Laplace operator using a finite difference method

G. Nikolov
Adapting the Peano kernel theory to estimate the error of product cubature formulae

T. Okayama, T. Matsuo, and M. Sugihara
Improvement of a Sinc-collocation method for Fredholm integral equations of the second kind

K. Orav-Puurand, A. Pedas, and G. Vainikko
Central part interpolation and product integration method for weakly singular Fredholm integral equations

B. Quatember, M. Mayr, and W. Recheis
Assessment of Coronary Haemodynamics: Treatment of Tracer Kinetic Problems by Solving Integral Equations

T. Diogo, P. Lima, and M. S. Rebelo
Computational methods for a weakly singular integral equation based on extrapolation procedures

W. Sprössig
Quaternionic Analysis applied to Initial-Boundary-Value Problems

G. Vainikko
A class of Volterra equations with noncompact weakly singular integral operators