About Hotel Reservations in Varenna
Last updated: February 16, 2001
It is strongly recommended that those participating at the Varenna cycle of the Dwork Trimester in Italy
make their hotel reservations in Varenna as soon as possible (preferably yesterday), since space is limited.
The conference participants should inform the hotel at which they make reservations of the
fact that they are attending the Dwork Trimester since rooms have already been set aside
for conference participants.
Making reservations via e-mail
It is now possible to make reservations at several hotels in the region via e-mail and to have further
information by consulting the web pages of these hotels. These hotels are
- Hotel Royal Victoria (41 double rooms, 2 singles) with Web page
and e-mail address
- Hotel Du Lac (17 rooms) with Web page
and e-mail address
Hotel Ristorante Monte Codeno (single and double rooms) with Web page
and e-mail addresses
Hotel Olivedo with Web page
and e-mail address
At present it is not possible to make reservations directly on the
Web pages of these hotels, but only via e-mail, which is however directly accessible from the this Web page by clicking on
the e-mail addresses listed above.
Nevertheless, a visit to the Web Page of these hotels gives a great deal of interesting information.
Other Hotels in Varenna
The following hotels in Varenna have also provisionally set aside rooms
for participants at the Dwork Trimester Conference:
- Hotel Royal Victoria
- Hotel Du Lac
- Hotel Montecodeno
- Villa Cipressi
When reserving
rooms at these hotels, please inform the hotel management of your participation in
the Dwork Conference, so that the Organizing Committee can keep a count
of the available rooms and number of participants.
The following is a rather complete list of hotels in Varenna.
- Category
**** (4 star)
- HOTEL DU LAC Via Del Prestino, 4 Tel. 0341-830.238
- Category *** (3 star)
- ASSOCIAZIONE VILLA CIPRESSI Via Quattro Novembre, 18 Tel. 0341-830.113
- HOTEL MONTECODENO Via Croce, 2 Tel. 0341-830123
- ALBERGO MILANO Via Venti Settembre, 29 Tel. 0341 830.298
- Category ** (2 star)
- ALBERGO OLIVEDO Piazza Martiri, 4 Tel. 0341 830.115
- Category * (1 star)
- ALBERGO BERETTA Via Per Esino, 1 Tel. 0341 830132
- ALBERGO SOLE Piazza San Giorgio, 21   Tel. 0341 830.206