«Remembering Bernie»
Date | Organizers | Site | Speakers | Topic |
Sunday -- Saturday | ||||
20/5/2001--26/5/2001 | Scientific Committee and Organizing Committee | Padova | Preliminary organization of activities and informal exchanges | |
27/5/2001--2/6/2001 | A. Adolphson, F. Baldassarri | Padova | A. Adolphson, F. Baldassarri, P. Berthelot ; C. Sabbah, P. Schapira, S. Sperber | De Rham, Crystalline and Dwork Cohomology for algebraic (logarithmic) varieties over a field of characteristic 0 |
(Lectures from 4/6/2001 to 8/6/2001) |
M. Bertolini | Varenna | V. Berkovich, J.-F. Boutot, R. Coleman, P. Colmez, H. Darmon, H. Hida, B. Mazur, B. Perrin-Riou, P. Schneider, H.P.F. Swinnerton-Dyer, J. Tilouine | p-adic Modular Forms; p-adic L-functions; p-adic Integration |
10/6/2001--16/6/2001 | P. Berthelot, B. Chiarellotto | Padova | L. Berger, B. Chiarellotto, R. Crew, J.-Y. Ètesse, K. Kedlaya, M. Kisin, B. Le Stum, S. Matsuda, N. Tsuzuki, N. Wach | Rigid Cohomology and Isocrystals |
17/6/2001--23/6/2001 | No Activity | |||
24/6/2001--30/6/2001 | P. Berthelot, B. Chiarellotto | Padova | Y. André,E. Goren, C. Huyghe, M. Emerton, L. Illusie, M. Kisin, I. Vidal, D. Wan | Unit Root F-Crystals and Étale representations |
1/7/2001--7/7/2001 | Scientific Committee | Bressanone | A. Adolphson, Y. Andrè, V. Berkovich, P. Berthelot, J.-B. Bost, G. Christol, L. Di Vizio, M. Emerton, N. Katz, M. Kisin, F. Loeser, W. Messing, A. Ogus, C. Sabbah, S. Sperber, J. Tate, T. Terasoma, D. Wan | Geometric Aspects of Dwork's Theory |
The detailed schedule for the first week of the conference is now available as a Web page.
The schedule for the second week (the Varenna sessions of the Dwork Trimester in Italy) are now available as a Web page.
The schedule for the third week dedicated to rigid cohomology and isocrystals is also available as a Web page.
The schedule for the week of June 25 to June 29 in which Dwork's Conjecture and the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for unit F-crystals will be discussed, is now available as a Web page.
The conference schedule for the Bressanone sessions is now available as a Web page.
For further information consult the updatings of this page, or write to dwork01@math.unipd.it