Marco Ferrante
Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics
University of Padova
Via Trieste 63,
35121 Padova, Italy
Phone (University): +39-049-8271366
Fax: +39-049-8271499
Research Interests
- Stochastic Calculus and Malliavin Calculus
- SDE's with boundary conditions
- Discrete-time stochastic filtering
- Time-series analysis
- Particle filtering
List of Recent Publications
M. Ferrante, C. Rovira,
Stochastic delay differential
equations driven by fractional
Brownian motion with Hurst parameter H > 1/2,
Bernoulli, Vol.12, 85-100, 2006.
M. Ferrante, M. Sanz-Sole',
SPDEs with coloured noise:
Analytic and stochastic approaches,
ESAIM:P&S, Vol.10, 380-405, 2006.
A. Alabert, M. Ferrante,
Linear stochastic differential algebraic equations
with constant coefficients,
ECP, Vol.11, 316-335, 2006.
M. Ferrante, N. Frigo,
Particle filtering approximations for a Gaussian-generalized inverse Gaussian model,
Statistics and Probability Letters, Vol.79, 442-449, 2009.
M. Ferrante, C. Rovira,
Convergence of delay differential equations driven
by fractional Brownian motion,
Journal of Evolution Equations, Vol.10, n.4, 761-783, 2010.
M. Ferrante, C. Rovira,
Stochastic differential equations with non-negativity
constraints driven by fractional Brownian motion,
Preprint , 2011.
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