Alessandro Languasco












Alessandro Languasco

Papers: List Papers; (with Abstracts); Curriculum (in Italian): long version ; short version; in English: long version. Google Scholar profile. ResearchGate page. Orcid ID. Scopus Author ID. Web of Science Researcher ID, Mathematical Reviews page, Zentralblatt page, IRIS-CINECA bibliometric parameters (italian ASN). English C1 badge.

Cybersecurity and Cryptography: Principles and Practices 2022/2023 (first part: Cryptography)
for the Master Degree in Cybersecurity.
The italian version of this page is here : Corso di Crittografia

Office Hours:

On request; you can write me by e-mail at the address:

General Infos

The lectures will be taught during the first semester. The total amount is about 48 hours (4 hours per week).

Please subscribe the: MOODLE page of this class using your UNIPD credentials.

The first semester part of the course is OVER. First lecture: October 3rd, 2022, 08.30-10-30 a.m., room LabP55, Complesso Paolotti.
Weekly schedule: Monday and Tuesday: 08.30-10.30 a.m., room LabP55, Complesso Paolotti.
Tuesday and Wednesday, 14.30-16.30, room LabP55, Complesso Paolotti, Professor M. Conti will teach other lectures pertaining to the 12CFU course (Cybersecurity).

I STRONGLY recommend that the students will attend EVERY lecture and will take their own notes.

A list of the topics taught in every lecture is here:

Addenda on the following topics: some historical example (Caesar, Poe, Verne), the schemes for DES and AES.

These notes are written partly in Italian partly in English; unfortunately I had no time to completely translate them in English. I hope that students from abroad can understand such examples as well.


I will use my books

A. Languasco, A. Zaccagnini - Manuale di Crittografia - Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2015 (Italian).
A. Languasco, A. Zaccagnini - Manuale di Crittografia - Complementi - Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2015 (Italian) - Available on publisher's site.

which are written in Italian.
An exaustive bibliography, and some suggested supplementary readings, can be found in the mentioned book.

A really short list of other interesting books is the following.

[1] H. Knospe, "A course in Cryptography", American Mathematical Society, 2019.

[2] N. Koblitz, "A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography", Springer-Verlag, GTM 114, second edition, 1994.

[3] A. Menezes, P. van Oorschot,  S. Vanstone, "Handbook of Applied Cryptography", CRC Press, 1996. available online .

[4] B. Schneier, "Applied Cryptography: Protocols, Algorithms, and Source Code in C", Wiley, second edition, 1996.

[5] R. Crandall, C. Pomerance,  "Prime numbers. A computational perspective", 2nd edition, Springer-Verlag, 2005.

[6] S. Wagstaff, "Cryptanalysis of number theoretic ciphers", Chapman and Hall, 2003.

[7] S. Singh, "The Code Book", , 1999. (Historical aspects)

[8] D. Kahn, "The Codebreakers, the Story of Secret Writing", Macmillan, 1967. (Historical aspects)


It's a written exam containing questions about the topics explained during the course. To be inserted in the list of the exam, one should connect to UNIWEB and look for the italian name of this course (i.e. "Crittografia"). To be able to have his/her exam, it is mandatory that the student has subscribed to the uniweb exam list and that he/she comes to the exam class with an identity document with picture included (e.g. an italian identity card or a passport for people coming from abroad). If at least one of the previous conditions will not hold, the student will be asked to leave the exam class. The marks of the exam will be (unofficialy) available on my web page. In a day that will be communicated together with the marks, the students will have the possibility to see their corrected exams and to discuss with me about the corrections. After this their marks will be officially communicated again via Uniweb; after this communication the students will have to accept or refuse their marks (via uniweb) within 7 days (Regolamento Carriere Studenti, art. 22, comma 14, Decreto Rettorale 1371-2014); see this modification . If a student will not accept or refuse his/her mark, than he/she will have to repeat the exam in a next session.

The exam dates will be communicated using the MOODLE page of this course.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 14.01.2023: 08:31:05

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