Mathematical Logic in Padua

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Research areas

Temporal logic

The research mainly regards issues of axiomatizability, decidability and definability in Branching-Time logics.
Besides, we are also interested in the expressive power of "classical" Peircean and Ockhamist temporal languages as well as of some of their extensions, with regard to both their ability to translate natural language assertions, and to describe temporal processes in Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. The most recent publications can be found in Alberto Zanardo home page.

Fibring of logics

The fibring of two logics L' and L'', possibly based on different languages, is essentially the smallest logic L which contains L' and L''. It can be shown, for instance, that the minimal temporal extension of a modal logic can be viewed as the result of fibring that modal logic wiht the mimimal temporal logic.

The ongoing research is mainly concerned with the preservation of completeness and with the definition of a new semantics for first-order modal logic as a result of fibring modal logic and first-order logic.

The research is carried out in collaboration with Amilcar Sernadas and Cristina Sernadas. A publication on the preservation of completeness can be found in Alberto Zanardo home page. A list of related publications can be found in FibLog.