MARCO VIANELLO: at-a-glance CV
- born Oct. 26, 1961 - married with Giulia, father of Marianna (1995)
and Elisa (2000)
- Ph.D. in Computational Mathematics - Padova Univ. 1992
- Numer. Anal. lecturer (1993-00), associate professor (2001-16) and full
professor (2017-) - Padova Univ.
- over 160
papers in approximation theory, numerical and asymptotic analysis
(39 co-authors,
13 international)
over 3400 citations on Google Scholar
Optimization Letters Best Paper Awards (2020)
- Advisor of 3 Ph.D.s and 4 postdocs:
Alvise Sommariva - Marco Caliari - Federico Piazzon -
Angeles Martinez (as postdoc only)
- Global funding as a coordinator 2003-24:
about 143 kEuros with 5 average researchers/year
(about 1.3 kEuros/researcher/year)
- Board of the Doctoral
School in Mathematical Sciences (2005-10 and 2019-20), Padova Univ.
- Member of the Committees of over 20 workshops
on Approx. Theory (2006-25)
Managing Editor (2008-22) of
Dolomites Res. Notes on Approx. (DRNA),
Diamond Open Access - Padova Univ. Press
Editor-in-Chief of
Journal of Approximation Software (JAS)
, Diamond Open Access - Torino Univ. SIRIO@UniTO (2024-)
- Referee for
over 50 international journals
- Reviewer for
EU Marie Curie (2012),
BE FWO (2013-15),
HU NRDI (2018), AT FWF (2018),
PL NCN (2020),
I ANVUR (2022)
- Member of the Italian National Scientific Habilitation Committee
in Numer. Anal. (2024-26)
- Teaching:
over 90 courses (1991-)
for the degrees in Mathematics, Computer Sci.,
Engineering, Astronomy, Chemistry, Materials Science
- Advisor of over 50 B.Sc. and Master dissertations in Mathematics
and Mathematics Education (on Numer. Anal. topics)