Back to Publications and preprints
Marco Vianello:
complete list of mathematical publications
Cheap and stable quadrature on polyhedral elements,
arXiv: 2502.03446 (with A. Sommariva).
Unisolvence of Kansa collocation for elliptic
equations by polyharmonic splines with random
fictitious centers,
arXiv: 2410.03279 (with M. Mohammadi and A. Sommariva).
Unisolvence of unsymmetric random Kansa collocation by Gaussians
and other analytic RBF
vanishing at infinity, arXiv: 2405.18550 (with A. Sommariva).
Nonsingularity of unsymmetric Kansa matrices: random collocation by
MultiQuadrics and Inverse MultiQuadrics,
arXiv: 2403.18017, Math Comput. Simul., minor revision
(with R. Cavoretto, A. De Rossi, F. Dell'Accio
and A. Sommariva).
Random sampling and polynomial-free
interpolation by Generalized MultiQuadrics,
J. Approx. Theory 306 (2025), 106119 (with A. Sommariva).
CPOLYMESH: Matlab and Python codes for
complex polynomial approximation by Chebyshev admissible meshes,
JAS - J. Approx. Software 1, 2 (2024)
(with D. Kenne and A. Sommariva).
Evaluating Lebesgue constants by Chebyshev polynomial meshes on cube,
simplex and ball, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal.,
60 (2024), 428--445
(with L. Bialas-Ciez, D. Kenne and A. Sommariva).
Polynomial-free unisolvence of polyharmonic splines with odd exponent
by random sampling, Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. (DRNA),
17 (2024), 45--47 (with A. Sommariva).
Homogenization of composite materials reinforced with unidirectional
fibres with complex curvilinear cross section: a virtual element
AIMS Math. Eng. 6 (2024), 510--535
(with E. Artioli, G. Elefante and A. Sommariva).
Unisolvence of random Kansa collocation by Thin-Plate Splines for
the Poisson equation,
Eng. Anal. Bound. Elem. 165 (2024), 105773 (with F. Dell'Accio and A. Sommariva).
Qsurf: compressed QMC integration on parametric surfaces,
JAS - J. Approx. Software 1, 1 (2024)
(with G. Elefante and A. Sommariva).
Tchakaloff-like compression of QMC volume and
surface integration on the union of balls,
Calcolo 61, 46 (2024) (with G. Elefante and A. Sommariva).
A note on polynomial-free unisolvence of polyharmonic
splines at random points,
Appl. Math. Lett. 157 (2024), 109161
(with L. Bos and A. Sommariva).
Numerical cubature on scattered data by
adaptive interpolation, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 444 (2024), 115793
(with R. Cavoretto,
A. De Rossi, F. Dell'Accio,
F. Di Tommaso, N. Siar and A. Sommariva).
TetraFreeQ: tetrahedra-free quadrature on polyhedral elements,
Appl. Numer. Math. 200 (2024), 389--398 (with A. Sommariva).
Chebyshev admissible meshes and Lebesgue constants of complex polynomial
projections, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 443 (2024)
(with L. Bialas-Ciez, D. Kenne
and A. Sommariva).
Random sampling and unisolvent interpolation
by almost everywhere analytic functions, Appl. Math. Lett. 145 (2023)
(with F. Dell'Accio and A. Sommariva).
Low-cardinality Positive Interior cubature on NURBS-shaped domains,
BIT Numer. Math. 63, 22 (2023) (with A. Sommariva).
Cubature rules with positive weights on union of disks,
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx.
DRNA 15 (2022) (Special Issue for the 60th
of S. De Marchi, 73--81) (with A. Sommariva).
CQMC: an improved code for low-dimensional Compressed Quasi-MonteCarlo
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 15 (2022)
("Software for Approximation 2022", 92--100)
(with G. Elefante and A. Sommariva).
DISC: an adaptive numerical Differentiator by local polynomial Interpolation
on SCattered data,
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 15 (2022)
("Software for Approximation 2022", 81--91)
(with F. Dell'Accio, F. Di Tommaso and N. Siar).
inRS: implementing the indicator function of NURBS-shaped planar domains,
Appl. Math. Lett. 130 (2022) (with A. Sommariva).
Near-optimal polynomial interpolation on spherical triangles,
Mediterr. J. Math. 19 (2022) (with A. Sommariva).
RBFCUB: a numerical package for near-optimal meshless cubature
on general polygons, Appl. Math. Lett. 125 (2022)
(with R. Cavoretto, A. De Rossi and A. Sommariva).
Numerical differentiation on scattered data through multivariate polynomial
BIT Numer. Math. 62 (2022), 773--801
(with F. Dell'Accio, F. Di Tommaso and N. Siar).
RBF moment computation and meshless cubature on general polygonal
regions, Appl. Math. Comput. 409 (2021) (with A. Sommariva).
Numerical hyperinterpolation over spherical triangles,
Math. Comput. Simul. 190 (2021), 15--22 (with A. Sommariva).
Near-algebraic Tchakaloff-like quadrature on spherical triangles,
Appl. Math. Lett. 120 (2021) (with A. Sommariva).
Computing Tchakaloff-like cubature rules on spline curvilinear
polygons, Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 14 (2021), 1--11
(with A. Sommariva).
dCATCH: a numerical package for d-variate near G-optimal
Tchakaloff regression via fast NNLS, MDPI-Mathematics 8(7) (2020)
- Special Issue
"Numerical Methods" (with M. Dessole and F. Marcuzzi).
Quadrature-based polynomial optimization,
Optim. Lett. 14 (2020), 1027--1036
(with A. Martinez, F. Piazzon
and A. Sommariva).
co-winner of the OPTL Best Paper Awards for 2020
Near G-optimal Tchakaloff designs,
Comput. Statistics 35 (2020), 803--819 (with
F. Piazzon and L. Bos).
Accelerating the Lawson-Hanson NNLS solver for large-scale
Tchakaloff regression designs,
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 13 (2020), 20--29
(with M. Dessole and F. Marcuzzi).
Compressed cubature over polygons with applications to
optical design, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 370 (2020)
(with B. Bauman and A. Sommariva).
Algebraic cubature on polygonal elements with a circular edge,
Comput. Math. Appl. 79 (2020), 2057--2066
(with E. Artioli and A. Sommariva).
CaTchDes: Matlab codes for Caratheodory-Tchakaloff
Near-Optimal Regression Designs,
SoftwareX 10 (2019) (with L. Bos).
Near optimal polynomial regression on norming meshes,
Sampling Theory and Applications 2019, IEEE Xplore Digital Library
(with F. Piazzon and L. Bos).
Chebyshev-Dubiner norming webs
on starlike polygons,
J. Inequal. Spec. Funct. 10-3 (2019), 26--32.
Tchakaloff polynomial meshes,
Ann. Polon. Math. 122 (2019), 221--231
(with L.
distance and stability of Lebesgue constants,
J. Inequal. Spec. Funct. 10-2 (2019), 49--60.
inequalities, Dubiner
distance, norming meshes and polynomial optimization
on convex bodies, Optim. Lett. 13 (2019), 1325--1343
(with F. Piazzon).
Near optimal Tchakaloff meshes for compact sets
with Markov exponent 2,
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 11 (2018), 92--96 (Special Issue on Norm
Levenberg's 60th birthday).
Subperiodic Dubiner distance, norming meshes and trigonometric
polynomial optimization,
Optim. Lett. 12 (2018), 1659--1667.
Discrete norming inequalities on sections of sphere, ball and
torus, J. Inequal. Spec. Funct. 9-4 (2018), 113--121 (with A.
Nearly optimal nested sensors location for polynomial
regression on
complex geometries,
Sampl. Theory Signal Image Process. 17 (2018), 95--101
(with A. Sommariva).
Global polynomial optimization by norming sets on sphere and torus,
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 11 (2018), 10--14.
Stability inequalities for Lebesgue constants via Markov-like
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 11 (2018), 1--9 (with F. Piazzon).
Trigonometric Hyperinterpolation,
"Contemporary Computational Mathematics - 80th
of Ian Sloan"
(invited paper), Springer, 2018, 283--304 (with G. Da Fies
and A.
An elementary approach to polynomial optimization on polynomial
J. Math. Fund. Sci. 50 (2018), 84--91.
A note on total degree polynomial optimization by Chebyshev grids,
Optim. Lett. 12 (2018), 63--71 (with F. Piazzon).
- Numerical
quadrature on the intersection of planar disks,
FILOMAT 31:13 (2017), 4105--4115 (with A. Sommariva).
trigonometric subsampling: a numerical approach,
Appl. Anal. Discrete Math. 11 (2017), 470--483 (with A. Sommariva).
- Caratheodory-Tchakaloff Least Squares,
Sampling Theory and Applications 2017, IEEE Xplore Digital Library
(with F. Piazzon and A. Sommariva).
hyperinterpolation over nonstandard planar regions,
Math. Comput. Simulation 141 (2017), 110--120
(with A.
On the use of compressed polyhedral quadrature formulas in embedded
SIAM J. Sci Comput. 39 (2017), B571-B587
(with Y. Sudhakar, A. Sommariva and W.A. Wall).
Optimal polynomial meshes and Caratheodory-Tchakaloff submeshes on
the sphere, Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 10 (2017),
18--24 (with P. Leopardi and A. Sommariva).
- Caratheodory-Tchakaloff Subsampling,
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 10 (2017), 5--14
(with F. Piazzon and A. Sommariva).
Polynomial approximation on Lissajous curves in the d-cube,
Appl. Numer. Math. 116 (2017), 47--56 (with L. Bos
and S. De Marchi).
- Polynomial approximation and quadrature on geographic
rectangles, Appl. Math. Comput. 297 (2017), 159--179
(with M. Gentile and A. Sommariva).
- Trivariate
polynomial approximation on Lissajous curves, IMA J. Numer. Anal.,
37 (2017), 519--541 (with L. Bos
S. De Marchi).
- Jacobi norming meshes,
Math. Inequal. Appl. 19 (2016), 1089--1095 (with F. Piazzon).
- Compressed
inequalities by Tchakaloff's theorem,
Math. Inequal. Appl. 19 (2016), 395--400.
- Compression of multivariate discrete measures and
Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 36 (2015), 1198--1223
(with A. Sommariva).
- Polynomial fitting and interpolation on circular sections,
Appl. Math. Comput. 258 (2015), 410--424
(with A. Sommariva).
- Polynomial
Meshes: Computation and Approximation, Proceeedings of CMMSE 2015,
414--425, ISBN 978-84-617-2230-3, ISSN 2312-0177 (with S. De Marchi, F.
Piazzon and A. Sommariva).
- Sub-optimal polynomial meshes
on planar Lipschitz domains,
Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 35 (2014), 1467--1475
(with F. Piazzon).
- Product Gaussian quadrature on circular
Numer. Math. Theory Methods Appl. 7 (2014), 251--264 (with G. Da
- Constructing optimal polynomial meshes on planar starlike
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 7 (2014), 22--25 (with F. Piazzon).
- Norming meshes by Bernstein-like
inequalities, Math. Inequal. Appl. 17 (2014), 929--936.
- Multivariate Christoffel functions and hyperinterpolation,
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 7
(2014), 26--33 (with S. De Marchi, A.
- On the Lebesgue constant of subperiodic trigonometric
J. Approx. Theory 167 (2013), 59--64 (with G. Da Fies).
- Algebraic cubature by linear blending of
elliptical arcs,
Appl. Numer. Math. 74 (2013), 49--61 (with G. Da Fies and
A. Sommariva).
- Small perturbations of polynomial meshes,
Appl. Anal. 92 (2013), 1063--1073 (with F. Piazzon).
- Polynomial approximation on pyramids, cones
and solids of
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 6 (2013), 20--26 (with
S. De Marchi).
On the generation of symmetric
Lebesgue-like points in the triangle,
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 236 (2012), 4925--4932
(with F. Rapetti, A. Sommariva).
- Subperiodic trigonometric interpolation and quadrature,
Appl. Math. Comput. 218 (2012), 10630--10638 (with L. Bos).
- Trigonometric Gaussian quadrature on subintervals of
the period, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 39 (2012), 102--112
(with G. Da Fies).
- Algebraic cubature on planar lenses and bubbles,
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 5 (2012), 7--12 (with G. Da Fies).
- Computing Fekete and Lebesgue points: simplex, square,
disk, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 236 (2012), 2477--2486
(with M. Briani, A.
- Low cardinality admissible meshes on quadrangles,
triangles and disks, Math. Inequal. Appl. 15 (2012), 229--235
(with L. Bos).
- The "phase function" method to solve second-order
asymptotically polynomial differential equations, Numer. Math.
121 (2012), 565--586 (with
R. Spigler).
Geometric Weakly Admissible Meshes, Discrete Least Squares
Approximations and Approximate Fekete Points, Math. Comp. 80 (2011),
(with L. Bos, J.P. Calvi, N. Levenberg, A.
On Multivariate Newton Interpolation at Discrete Leja
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 4 (2011), 15--20
(with L. Bos, S. De Marchi, A. Sommariva).
Polynomial interpolation and cubature over polygons,
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 235 (2011), 5232--5239
(with M. Gentile, A. Sommariva).
An algebraic cubature formula on curvilinear polygons, Appl. Math.
Comput. 217 (2011), 10003--10015
(with G. Santin, A. Sommariva).
- Padua2DM: fast interpolation and cubature at the Padua
points in
Numer. Algorithms 56 (2011), 45--60 (with M. Caliari, S. De
Marchi, A.
- Weakly Admissible Meshes and Discrete Extremal Sets,
Numer. Math. Theory Methods Appl. 4 (2011), 1--12 (with L. Bos, S. De
Marchi, A. Sommariva).
Computing multivariate Fekete and Leja points by numerical linear
algebra, SIAM J. Numer. Anal. 48 (2010), 1984--1999 (with L. Bos, S.
De Marchi, A. Sommariva).
Analytic transformations of admissible meshes, East J. Approx.
16 (2010), 313--322 (with F. Piazzon).
- Least-squares polynomial approximation on weakly
meshes: disk and triangle,
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 235 (2010), 660--668 (with L. Bos, A.
On simple approximations to simple curves,
Dolomites Res. Notes Approx. DRNA 3 (2010), 1--6
(with L. Bos).
Approximate Fekete points for weighted polynomial interpolation,
Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 37 (2010), 1--22 (with A. Sommariva).
- Gauss-Green cubature and moment computation over arbitrary
geometries, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 231 (2009), 886--896 (with
A. Sommariva).
- A numerical code for fast interpolation and cubature at the
Padua points, Proceedings of the 9th CMMSE (2009), Vol. I, 218--228
(with M. Caliari, S. De Marchi, A. Sommariva).
- A massively parallel
exponential integrator for advection-diffusion models, J. Comput.
Appl. Math. 231 (2009), 82--91 (with L. Bergamaschi, M.
Caliari, A. Martinez).
- Computing approximate Fekete points by QR factorizations of
Vandermonde matrices,
Comput. Math. Appl. 57 (2009), 1324--1336 (with A.
- New cubature formulae and hyperinterpolation in three
BIT Numerical Mathematics 49 (2009), 55--73 (with S. De
Marchi, Y.
- Algorithm 886: Padua2D: Lagrange Interpolation at Padua
Points on Bivariate
Domains, ACM Trans. Math. Software 35-3 (2008) (with M. Caliari, S.
De Marchi).
- Nontensorial Clenshaw-Curtis cubature, Numer.
Algorithms 49 (2008), 409--427 (with A. Sommariva, R.
- Hyperinterpolation in the cube, Comput. Math. Appl.
55 (2008), 2490--2497 (with M. Caliari, S. De
- Bivariate Lagrange interpolation at the Padua points:
computational aspects, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 221 (2008), 284--292
(with M. Caliari, S. De Marchi).
- Meshless cubature over the disk by Thin-Plate Splines,
J. Comput. Appl. Math. 221 (2008) 430--436
(with A. Punzi and A. Sommariva).
- Asymptotic approximations for second-order linear difference
equations in Banach algebras, II, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 340
(2008), 433--450 (with T. Solda`, R. Spigler).
- Asymptotic approximations for second-order linear difference
equations in Banach algebras, I, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 337 (2008),
1158--1170 (with T. Solda`, R. Spigler).
- Bivariate Lagrange interpolation at the Padua points:
the ideal theory approach, Numer. Math. 108 (2007), 43--57 (with L.
Bos, S. De Marchi, Y. Xu).
- Product Gauss cubature over polygons based on Green's
integration formula,
BIT Numerical Mathematics 47 (2007), 441--453
(with A. Sommariva).
- The LEM exponential integrator for
equations, J. Comput. Appl. Math. 210 (2007), 56--63 (with L.
Bergamaschi, M. Caliari).
- Hyperinterpolation on the square, J. Comput. Appl.
Math. 210 (2007), 78--83 (with M. Caliari, S. De
- Liouville-Green asymptotic approximation for a class of
differential equations and semi-discretized partial differential
equations, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 325 (2007), 69--89 (with R.
- Bivariate Lagrange interpolation at the Padua points: the
generating curve approach, J. Approx. Theory 143 (2006), 15--25
(with L. Bos, M. Caliari, S. De Marchi, Y. Xu).
- Meshless cubature by Green's formula, Appl. Math.
Comput. 183 (2006), 1098--1107 (with A. Sommariva).
- Hyper2d: a numerical code for hyperinterpolation on
rectangles, Appl. Math. Comput. 183 (2006), 1138--1147
(with M. Caliari, S. De Marchi, R. Montagna).
- Bivariate interpolation at Xu points: results, extensions
applications, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 25 (2006), 1--16
(with L. Bos, M. Caliari, S. De Marchi).
- On the Lebesgue constant for the Xu interpolation
J. Approx. Theory 141 (2006), 134--141 (with L. Bos, S. De Marchi).
- Comparing Krylov and Leja approximations of large scale
Springer LNCS vol. 3994, part IV, 2006,
(with L. Bergamaschi, M. Caliari, A. Martinez).
- A numerical study of the Xu polynomial interpolation formula
in two variables, Computing 76 (2006), 311--324 (with
L. Bos, M. Caliari, S. De Marchi).
- Numerical cubature
on scattered data by radial basis functions,
Computing 76 (2006), 295--310 (with A. Sommariva).
- Liouville-Green asymptotics for almost-diagonal second-order
matrix differential equations, Asymptotic Analysis 48 (2006), 267--294
(with R. Spigler).
- Bivariate polynomial
interpolation on the square at new nodal sets, Appl. Math. Comput. 165
(2005), 261--274 (with M. Caliari, S. De Marchi).
- Adaptive bivariate
Chebyshev approximation, Numer. Algorithms 38 (2005),
79--94 (with A. Sommariva, R. Zanovello).
- A parallel exponential integrator for large-scale
discretizations of advection-diffusion models,
Springer LNCS vol. 3666, 2005, 483-492 (with L. Bergamaschi, M. Caliari, A.
- The ReLPM exponential integrator for FE discretizations of
advection-diffusion equations,
Springer LNCS vol. 3039, part IV, 2004, 434--442 (with L. Bergamaschi, M. Caliari).
- Adaptive bivariate Chebyshev approximation and efficient
evaluation of integral operators,
Appl. Numer. Anal. Comput. Math. 1 (2004), 115--121
(with A. Mardegan, A. Sommariva, R. Zanovello).
- Interpolating discrete
advection-diffusion propagators at Leja sequences, J. Comput. Appl.
172 (2004), 79--99 (with L. Bergamaschi, M.
- Fast evaluation of discrete
transforms by Chebyshev and Leja polynomial approximation,
theory of functions, 347--353, DARBA, Sofia, 2003 (with
S. De Marchi).
- Efficient approximation of the exponential operator for
discrete 2D
advection-diffusion problems,
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 10 (2003), 271--289 (with
L. Bergamaschi, M. Caliari).
- Approximating the
approximant: a
numerical code for polynomial compression of discrete integral
In memory of W. Gross. Numer. Algorithms 28 (2001),
101--116 (with S. De Marchi).
- Fast summation of
power series with coefficients analytic at infinity, Numer. Algorithms
(2001), 77--87 (with A. Sommariva, R. Zanovello).
- Positive multiplication
dissipativity in commutative C*-algebras, J. Inequal. Appl. 6
(2001), 247--251 (with A. Sommariva).
- Chebyshev-like compression of linear and
discretized integral operators, Neural Parallel Sci. Comput. 8 (2000),
- Computing positive
fixed-points of
decreasing Hammerstein operators by relaxed iterations, J. Integral
Equations Appl. 12 (2000), 95--112 (with A.
- Relaxed
for nonlinear integral equations arising in transport theory,
Proc. of Venice2: Appl. and Ind. Math., 1998, 273--285, Kluwer, 2000
(with E. Facchinello, A. Sommariva).
- Efficient computation of the
exponential operator for large, sparse, symmetric matrices, Numer.
Algebra Appl. 7 (2000), 27--45 (with L.
- A new summation method
for power series with rational coefficients, Math. Comp. 69 (2000),
749--756 (with S. Dassie`, R. Zanovello).
- A variant of the complex
approximation theorem, Arch. Math. (Brno) 36 (2000),
213--218 (with R. Spigler).
- Existence of positive continuous solutions of
Hammerstein equations, Appl. Anal. 74 (2000),
- Constructive approximation
for a
of perturbed Hammerstein integral equations, Nonlinear Anal. 41
(2000), Ser. A: Theory Methods, 177--185 (with A.
- Liouville-Green-Olver approximations for complex difference
equations, J. Approx. Theory 96 (1999), 301--322
(with F. Locatelli, R. Spigler).
- Constructive analysis of
integral Boltzmann models, J. Integral Equations Appl. 11 (1999),
393--404 (with A. Sommariva).
- On the complex differential
Y"+G(z)Y=0 in Banach algebras, Stud. Appl. Math. 102 (1999),
291--308 (with R. Spigler).
- Asymptotic summation
of power series, Numer. Math. 80 (1998), 61--73
(with S. Dassie`, R. Zanovello).
- Approximating fixed-points of
decreasing operators in spaces of continuous functions, Numer. Funct.
Anal. Optim. 19 (1998), 635--646 (with A.
- A survey on the
Liouville-Green (WKB)
approximation for linear difference equations of the second order,
Proc. of ICDEA 1995,
567--577, CRC Press, 1998 (with R. Spigler).
- Peano's kernel theorem for
vector-valued functions: a weak version in normed spaces, Numer.
Anal. Optim. 18 (1997), 65--74 (with S. De
- Peano's kernel theorem for
vector-valued functions and some applications, Numer. Funct. Anal.
17 (1996), 57--64 (with S. De Marchi).
- Asymptotic representation for
Blumenthal-Nevai orthogonal polynomials in the essential spectrum,
Methods Appl. Anal. 3 (1996), 457--475 (with R.
- WKB-type approximations for
second-order differential equations in C*-algebras, Proc. Amer.
Math. Soc. 124 (1996), 1763--1771 (with R.
- Convergence analysis of the
semi-implicit Euler method for abstract evolution equations,
Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. 16 (1995), 785--803
(with R. Spigler).
- On some connections between
and general properties of numerical methods, Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 75
(1995), 237--241 (with R. Zanovello).
- On regularity at t=0 for semilinear ADEs and
numerical applications, Semigroup Forum 50 (1995),
- Splitting functions
and numerical analysis of WR-type methods for evolutionary and stationary
problems, Proc. Sympos.
Appl. Math., 48, AMS, 1995
(with S. De Marchi, R. Zanovello).
- Semi-implicit discretization
evolution equations, Equadiff 8 (Bratislava, 1993), Tatra Mt. Math.
4 (1994), 207--212 (with R. Spigler).
- Discrete and continuous
Liouville-Green-Olver approximations: a unified treatment via
Volterra-Stieltjes integral equations, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 25 (1994),
720--732 (with R. Spigler).
- Cesaro's theorems for complex
J. Math. Anal. Appl. 180 (1993), 317--324 (with
R. Spigler).
- Abstract versions of
for holomorphic functions in the framework of complex B-modules, J.
Math. Anal. Appl. 180 (1993), 17--28 (with R.
- Extending L'Hopital's theorem
to B-modules, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 179 (1993), 638--645
(with R. Spigler).
- Finite moments perturbations of
y"=0 in Banach algebras, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 119 (1993),
97--103 (with R. Spigler).
- A generalization of l'Hopital's rule via
continuity and Banach modules, Real Anal. Exchange 18 (1992/93),
- Extensions and numerical applications of the Liouville-Green
approximation, Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. of Padova, 1992, 1--84.
- On the superlinear
convergence of the
secant method, Amer. Math. Monthly 99 (1992), 758--761
(with R. Zanovello).
- Liouville-Green approximations
a class of linear oscillatory difference equations of the second
order, J. Comput. Appl. Math.
41 (1992), 105--116 (with
R. Spigler).
- Improved estimates for the
of the O-symbols in view of numerical applications, J. Math. Anal.
164 (1992), 480--488 (with
R. Spigler).
- WKBJ-type approximation for
moments perturbations of the differential equation y"=0 and the
analogous difference equation, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 169 (1992),
437--452 (with
R. Spigler).
- Global existence and uniqueness
for the
Kummer transformation problem subject to non-Cauchy data, Differential
Integral Equations 4 (1991), 991--1003 (with
R. Spigler).
- A numerical method for
evaluating zeros
of solutions of second-order linear differential equations, Math.
55 (1990), 591--612 (with R. Spigler).
- Approximating zeros of solutions of
second-order linear ODEs by "phase function" methods,
Lecture Notes in
Pure and Appl. Math. vol. 124, Dekker, New York, 1990 (with
R. Spigler).