WAM: Matlab package for multivariate polynomial fitting and interpolation
on Weakly Admissible Meshes
DISCLAIMER: These programs are free software; you can use, redistribute
and/or modify them under the terms of the GNU/General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
or (at your opinion) any later version
Mesh constructors
planar meshes
wamquadrangle (WAM on a convex quadrangle or on a triangle)
wampolygon (WAM on a general simple polygon)
Domains related to circular arcs (sectors, lenses, lunes, ...)
subpcheb (subperiodic Chebyshev-like angles)
wamblend (WAM on an arc-blending region)
wamblendplot (plots the region and the WAM)
wamlune (WAM on a lune)
wamluneplot (plots the lune and the WAM)
Smooth convex domains
convomesh (admissible mesh on a C^2 convex domain)
solid meshes
wamlissa (WAM on Lissajous curves of the cube)
lejacube30.txt (Discrete Leja Points of the cube up to degree 30 on a
Lissajous curve)
note: use the first (n+1)(n+2)(n+3)/6 to interpolate at degree n by
wamfit.m below
Cones and pyramids
wamcone (WAM on a cone/pyramid by a 2d WAM of the base)
general tools
chebpolys (computes the Chebyshev poynomials by recurrence)
chebvand (Chebyshev-Vandermonde matrix, graded lexic. order)
singlepts (eliminates multiple points)
wamcomprex (WAM compression, under revision)
Polynomial fitting
dexsets (extraction of discrete extremal sets of Fekete and Leja
type from a WAM)
wamdop (Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials on a WAM)
wamdopeval (evaluation of DOPs)
wamfit (polynomial fitting on a WAM; note: interpolates on
extremal sets)
wamleb (Lebesgue constant of the fitting/interpolation operator)
planar meshes
testf (user defined function)
interpdemo (interpolation at discrete extremal sets)
lsdemo (least-squares fitting)
lebdemo (Lebesgue constants)