Updated October 23, 2024

Curriculum vitae

Michela Redivo-Zaglia

MICHELA REDIVO ZAGLIA is Associate Professor of Numerical Analysis since 1998. She obtained the National Habilitation to a Full Professor position in December 2013 and in January 2020.
From 1998 to 2002, she was in the Dept. of Mathematics of Calabria University and after she moved to the Dept. of Mathematics of the Univ. of Padova. She has been Head of the Computer Center of the Dept. of Electronics and Computer Sciences of the Univ. of Padova from 1984 to 1998. From 2008 to 2011, she was Vice-Director of the Dept. of Mathematics of Padova University. From 2005 she is a member of the board of the Doctoral School in Mathematics at University of Padova (from 2013 to 2017 Coordinator and after Delegate of the Computational Mathematics branch). She was involved in several institutional activities and committees in Departments, Faculties, Schools. She retired on October 2023, and she became “Studiosa senior dello Studium Patavinum” from December 1, 2023.

She has been Visiting Professor in several European Universities and also in USA, in South-Africa, in Canada, in Russia, in China and Hong Kong giving there 50 seminars and 3 courses in international schools on her scientific results. Her scientific works have been presented at 96 international conferences, 28 of them as invited or plenary speaker. She has been member of the Organizing Committee of 25 Italian and International Conferences, member of the Scientific Committee of 14 International Conferences, and has collaborated to the editing of 13 conference proceedings published as special issues of numerical analysis international journals. She is currently member of the editorial board of three international journals of numerical analysis and applied mathematics (International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, and Numerical Algorithms). For the last one, she is also its software editor since 1991. She has also been a member of PhD. examination committees in Italy, France, Portugal, Tunisia and Morocco, and several times she was a member or president of committees for Italian scientific positions (Associate or Assistant Professor, Postdoc grants, PhD students admission at Doctoral School). She was responsible or participant in more than 50 funded projects.

Her main scientific interests concern numerical analysis. They deal, in particular, with several topics which have some connections: extrapolation methods and convergence acceleration, classical and formal orthogonal polynomials, and linear and nonlinear numerical algebra. In particular, she is an international expert on extrapolation methods, with applications of such methods to several fields and to numerical linear algebra. For instance she worked on the regularization of ill-conditioned systems, on the acceleration of the PageRank algorithm used in the Google’s web search, on integral equations, and on tensor problems. She obtained several relevant results in the treatment of breakdowns and near-breakdowns in algorithms for the implementation of Lanczos and Lanczos-Type methods for the solution of systems of linear equations by using the FOP (Formal Orthogonal Polynomials). She obtained important results, widely cited, about the measure of orthogonality of quasi-orthogonal polynomials, and the location of their zeros. She also devoted two articles to Padé approximants. In the first one, a new type of rational approximants is defined. The second article introduces a new way of representing Padé approximants. She is also interested on the history of science.
The scientific results of her work have received many quotations by various authors in many research articles and several books. As author or coauthor (32 different co-authors), she published more than 85 analysis journals, many of which highly recognized, and in conference proceedings; other papers are submitted or in preparation.

She wrote ten books. One of these books, published in English in 1991 by North-Holland, is still now one of the main references on extrapolation methods and is regularly cited. Another one was published in 2020 by Springer and it paints a fresco of the field of extrapolation and rational approximation over the last several centuries to the present through the works of their primary contributors. It can serve as an introduction to the topics covered, including extrapolation methods, Padé approximation, orthogonal polynomials, continued fractions, Lanczos-type methods etc.; it also provides in depth discussion of the many links between these subjects.
A third book on the history of numerical linear algebra (more than 800 pages) was published by SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) end of 2022. Another book on the History of Orthogonal Polynomials of about 500 pages was accepted for publication by SIAM and will be published on 2025

Two other books were published in French by Ellipses, Paris, in 2004 and 2006. She wrote a book on the operating system UNIX which was one of the first ones on this subject published in Italy. Three didactic books (updated several times), in Italian, covering her lectures, together with the corresponding exercises book, are widely used among engineering, mathematics and computer science students. She also wrote seven public domain Numerical software packages in Fortran and Matlab.

She devoted a large part of her efforts in the training of young researchers and students (in particular Ph.D. and postdoc), many of the former ones now hold positions in foreign universities. In addition, thanks to her works, the worldwide invitations received for long and short term periods, the scientific activities, and the organizations of a lot of conferences, she was able to build an international network of collaborations and she was able to obtain funds for inviting prestigious international scientists to the University of Padova giving the opportunity to students and researchers to meet them and to discuss with them, and also to organize scientific visits abroad for the Padova young students and researchers.

She is also regularly contacted for acting as referee by international scientific journals, for Italian and foreign projects or promotions, and for national and foreign PhD thesis

With regards to her didactic activities before the retirement, she gave several courses (more than 90) in Italian Universities, primarily on numerical analysis, scientific computing, and computer sciences for Laurea, Master, Diploma, and PhD degrees. She was supervisor of 17 B.S. and M.S. thesis, and of 2 Ph.D.. She was a member of the committee “Innovation in teaching”, and one of the member of the starting group of “pioneers” on T4L (Teaching for Learning) at the School of Engineering, now extended to the whole Padua University.

General Information

email: michela.redivozaglia@unipd.it, Mobile Phone: +393472538770
URL: http://www.math.unipd.it/~michela
Spoken languages: Italian (mother tongue), English (fluent) and French (fluent).



Main research topics

Numerical linear and nonlinear algebra with applications; Approximation theory and numerical approximation (extrapolation methods, rational interpolation and approximation, Padé and Padé-type approximants); Special functions (biorthogonality, classic and formal orthogonal polynomials); Numerical Software; History of Science and technology, in particular Mathematics and Computers


Articles published in refereed journals 73
Submitted 1
Articles in preparation 2
Articles in refereed proceedings or books14
Other publications 10
Ph.D. thesis 1
Software packages 7
Web site 1
Editorial works (Guest editor) 13

National and international awards for research activities

Conferences as plenary or invited speaker: 11

Invitation to conferences with talk: 17

Invited courses in schools: 3

Invited Seminars: 50 (Canada, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, South Africa, Switzerland, Tunisia, USA)

Long-term (one month) invitations in foreign countries (research fellowship): 16 (France, Hong Kong)

Member of the editorial board of international journals: 4 (Numer. Algorithms, Managing Editor of Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Engineering Sciences, Journal of Applied Mathematics)

Guest editor of special issues of international journals: 13

Member of the scientific committees of international conferences: 13

Member of the scientific committees of national conferences: 1

Member or president of Ph.D. thesis committees (all except two in foreign countries): 15 (France, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Tunisia)

Member of committees for scientific positions (Associate or Assistant Professor): 3

Specific citations of the research work in international books: at least 14

National and international responsible of research projects funded
by competitive call

Responsible of projects for long-term invitation of Visiting professor or of Visiting scientist: 9 (C. Brezinski, G. Meurant, L. Reichel, Y. Saad)

Scientific responsible of funded projects: 2

Scientific responsible of funded Postdoc positions: 6 (M.R. Russo, S. Gazzola, F. Tudisco, S. Cipolla)

Other Scientific activities

Short-term invitations in Italy and foreign countries: 37 (Canada, China, France, Greece, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, South Africa, Switzerland, USA)

Participations with contributed talk at conferences, congresses, workshops, ... : 68

Scientific responsible of funded projects (ex 60% or DOR): 14

Participant in funded National scientific projects: 6

Participant in funded local scientific projects: 10

Organizer of International conferences: 19

Organizer of National conferences: 6

PhD students supervision: 2 (A. Karapiperi, S. Pozza)

Refereeing activities:
Referee for international scientific journals (approximately 5-10 journal research manuscripts per year)
Referee for Italian and foreign projects or promotions (PRIN and COFIN, National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada - NSERC, FWF Austrian Science Fund, …)
Referee for national and foreign Ph.D. thesis.

National and International research groups and collaborations

Member of INdAM - GNCS (Gruppo Nazionale per il Calcolo Scientifico) from 1994. Member of the Center for Mechanics of Biological Materials (CMBM), University of Padova from 2011.

Main international and national collaborations:
Department of Mathematical Sciences, Kent State University, USA (Lothar Reichel).
University of Pretoria, South Africa (K. Driver, K. Jordaan).
The State Key Laboratory of Scientific and Engineering Computing (LSEC), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, and the Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics, China (X.B. Hu, Y. He).
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Minnesota, USA (Yousef Saad).
Gérard Meurant, past Deputy Director for Research at CEA, France.
Department of Mathematics, City University of Hong Kong (Ph.G. Ciarlet).
University of Alberta, Campus Saint-Jean, Edmonton, Canada (H. Safouhi).
Laboratoire d’Analyse Numérique et d’Optimisation, Université de Lille, France (C. Brezinski).
Department of Numerical Mathematics, Charles University in Prague (Z. Strakos, S. Pozza).
School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh, UK (S. Cipolla).
DTU Compute Section for Scientific Computing, Technical University of Denmark (P.C. Hansen).
Laboratoire LMPA, Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale, Calais, France (K. Jbilou, H. Sadok, A. Salam).
Department of Mathematics, University of Porto, Portugal (M.Z. Da Rocha).
Cagliari Numerical Analysis Group (CaNA), University of Cagliari, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science (G. Rodriguez, S. Seatzu).
LIP6, Université Pierre et Marie Curie (R. Alt, J. Vignes).
Department of Mathematics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens Panepistimiopolis (M. Mitrouli).
Department of Mathematics and Geosciences, University of Trieste (P. Novati).

Past supervised former students (B.S., M.S., PhD) and Postdoc

E. De Cia - now working at Aprilia Racing (Control Strategies and Model Support Manager).
S. Gazzola - now Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematics, University of Pisa, Italy
A. Karapiperi - now Maths Learning Developer and Coordinator of the Maths and Stats Hub (MASH) at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Lancaster, UK.
S. Pozza - now Assistant Professor in Numerical and Computational Mathematics at the Department of Numerical Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague.
F. Tudisco - Marie Sklodowska Curie individual Fellowship 2017 winner (Fund granted about 190.000 Euro) at the Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, now Associate Professor in Numerical Analysys (March 20, 2019) at the School of Mathematics, The University of Edinburgh, UK, The Maxwell Institute for Mathematical Sciences and School of Mathematics, Gran Sasso Science Institute, L’Aquila, Italy.
S. Cipolla - now Assistant Professor, School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Southampton, UK.

Institutional responsibilities and activities

Responsibilities in Departments, Faculties, Schools (University of Padova): 22 (Vice-director of Dept. of Mathematics; Coordinator of the “Computational Mathematics” curriculum, Doctoral Course; President and member of several committees and councils at the Dept. of Mathematics, in Faculties, Schools and Doctoral school, …)

Member or president of committees for scientific positions: 20 (Post-doc grants; PhD students admission at Doctoral School)

Some books citing my works

Bibliometric information (updated on October 23, 2024)

ScopusWeb of ScienceMathSciNet
Publications 73 78 83
Citations 1130 890 789
Documents citing 735 630 506
Mean citation per article 15.48 11.41 9.51
h-index 19 17 15
i10-index 37 30 24

The number of citations of the book “Brezinski C., Redivo Zaglia M. (1991) Extrapolation Methods. Theory and Practice, North-Holland, Amsterdam”, is not included in the list of publications given by Scopus (we have to look directly to the code of the book: 2-s2.0-0003901004), is not present in Web of Science.
Thus, we give the citations for this book in a separate table:

ScopusWeb of ScienceMathSciNet
Citations 465 n.a. 196

The book “Brezinski C., Redivo Zaglia M. (2020) Extrapolation and Rational Approximation. The Works of the Main Contributors, Springer, Cham, Switzerland” is not present in Scopus and WOS.


VQR 2011-2014: The publications [A7] and [A38], submitted for evaluation, have obtained both the score 1.0 (Excellent).

VQR 2015-2019: The publication [A4] obtained a score A (Excellent and extremely relevant). The publications [A3] and [A37], obtained a score B (Excellent).

Author identification codes

Web of Science ResearcherID: B-1202-2012, HRN-7593-2023, AAG-4756-2021
Scopus Author ID: 6603050291
MR Author ID: 306361
Orcid code: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-9789-1078
Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=XU82XYQAAAAJ&hl=en

Michela Redivo Zaglia