Updated November 3, 2023

Research topic description

Michela Redivo-Zaglia

See Publications of Michela Redivo Zaglia for the bibliographic citations inserted in this page.

I worked on the following topics, some of which having interconnections:
     Numerical linear and nonlinear algebra with applications;
Approximation theory and numerical approximation (extrapolation methods,
rational interpolation and approximation, Padé and Padé–type approximants);
Special functions (biorthogonality and formal orthogonal polynomials);
History of Science and technology, in particular Mathematics and Computers;
Numerical Software;

Numerical linear and nonlinear algebra with applications

Other topics on which I worked are

Approximation theory and numerical approximation

Extrapolation methods

In several scientific domains, one has often to deal with sequences and series, that converge slowly and it is a serious drawback to their effective use. Extrapolation methods form the basis of new methods for solving such problems. They also have several specific applications. Extrapolation methods form now an explicit area of numerical analysis having connections with many other important topics (Padé approximation, projection methods, ...). Besides convergence acceleration of (scalar, vector, matrix or tensor) sequences, they can also furnish new solution methods for different problems. In the past, particular attention was given to new approaches for deepening our knowledge about known sequence transformations and obtaining new ones, in particular in the vector and matrix cases. Useful tools that lead to new vector sequence transformations have been the Schur complement and its extension to rectangular matrices, and some determinantal properties like the Sylvester determinantal identity. Recursive algorithms have been obtained and programmed with great care. We also obtained theoretical results on convergence and acceleration.

My researches in this domain include the methodology of sequence transformations, theoretical results on existing algorithms, new algorithms, and applications to the solution of various numerical analysis problems.

I worked on

More recently

Rational interpolation and approximation

In rational approximation we worked on a new idea. In Padé–type approximants, the denominators can be arbitrarily chosen. These approximants match the original series up to a certain degree, but they do not possess an interpolation property. In the barycentric formula for rational interpolants, the weights can be arbitrarily chosen but they don’t have an approximation property. In both cases, we used these degrees of freedom so that the Padé–type approximants also possess an interpolation property, and that the barycentic interpolants match the series expansion of the function as far as possible [A38]. The computation of Padé approximants poses numerical stability problems. This is a well known situation for polynomial interpolation. In this case, a barycentric formula is preferable. Thus, standard Padé approximants have been written under a barycentric form with free parameters, thus allowing to better control their numerical stability [A37].

Special functions

Biorthogonality and formal orthogonal polynomial form a central theme in several of my research topics.

The notion of biorthogonality is a very general one having applications in many branches of numerical analysis. For example, it leads, on one hand, to formal biorthogonal polynomials and, on the other hand, to the method of moments of Vorobyev.

Formal orthogonal polynomials have been studied for many years now, and they play a crucial role in various important numerical methods and applications. They open the way to the concepts of formal vector and scalar orthogonality which form a natural basis for the study of vector and scalar Padé approximants, continued fractions, rational interpolation, Gaussian quadratures and the Kronrod procedure for estimating its error, Krylov subspace methods for solving systems of linear equations, and extrapolation methods for scalar and vector sequences. The concept has been extended to matrix orthogonality which is used for block systems of linear equations. Methods for the iterative solution of systems of nonlinear equations also benefit from this approach.

The method of moments leads to Galerkin method and to projection methods for linear equations, and to the solution of the matrix eigenvalue problem (Lanczos-type methods). Some convergence acceleration methods recently used in the Google’s PageRank problem for web search have also been put into this framework.

An important role in the theory of biorthogonality is played by ratios of determinants, recursive computational rules, and the notion of Schur complement which have been extensively studied.

A notion closely related to biorthogonality is the so called “quasi-orthogonality”. Quasi-orthogonal polynomials are a particular case of orthogonal polynomials and some of their properties were studied in the univariate case, for determining the locations of their zeros and the measure of orthogonality (a work initiated by Marcel Riesz). They have applications in Gauss-Radau and Gauss-Lobatto quadrature formulae. In [A52] we presented a study of the interlacing properties of some families of classical quasi–orthogonal polynomials. This article is well cited by the community. A particular case, not included in it, is developed in [A50].

My researches on this topic, apart the works already indicated, include the following subjects

History of Science and technology, in particular Mathematics and Computers

This is a recent field of research, very interesting and intriguing. The first publication is a book treating all aspects of the History of Numerical Linear Algebra (elimination methods, determinants, factorization and iterative methods, matrix properties, computer implementation, and software), coauthored with C. Brezinski and G. Meurant (more than 800 pages) that was published end of 2022 by SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) as a monograph. The second part of the book gathered the biographies (more than 75) of the main contributors. An extensive bibliography, already over 3300 references, will end the book [L3].

Another publication is a paper on Reuben Loius Rosenberg (1909-1986). Rosenberg is well known by numerical analysts, in particular by those working on numerical linear algebra, for an important theorem on the convergence of the methods of Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel for solving systems of linear equations. This paper was published in 1948 with Philip Stein (1890-1974). Although the biography of Stein is well known, that of Rosenberg was almost completely unknown. This paper [RP10] presents a complete biography of Reuben Louis Rosenberg with an analysis of all his scientific contributions in numerical analysis and as well as in nuclear physics. Personal information are also included. The Stein-Rosenberg theorem is commented, replaced in its historical context, and a large review of its variants, generalizations, and applications is given.

Convinced of the importance of the Confucio quote, Study the past, if you would divine the future , recently, with C. Brezinski, we started to write a book on the “History of Ortogonal Polynomials”. A similar book was never wrote up to now [L4]. About 300 pages have been already written.

Numerical Software

Thanks to my double competence in Computer Science and Numerical Analysis, I was invited, from May 1990, to become a member of the editorial board of the international journal Numerical Algorithms as Software editor. This task concerns the validation of the software submitted to the journal, in controlling its portability, and in checking that it is easy to use for non expert users. The software is validated and, after its acceptation, it is freely distributed through netlib, one of the most known international digital libraries for software.

I developed several software packages that were distributed to the community in different ways.

We remind, in particular, the software library, written in FORTRAN 77, that allows to implement most of the extrapolation algorithms described in [L1] (and that is provided on magnetic media together with the book itself and that can also be freely available through the link.

Concerning the field of Numerical Linear Algebra, for treating problems of breakdown and near–breakdown in Krylov subspace methods, we inserted, in the public domain netlib library, the packages na1, na5, na8 related to the articles [A35], [A34], [A33], [A31].

An object oriented specialized Matlab toolbox has also been realized. It is named SMT (Structured Matrices Toolbox), and allows the treatment of structured matrices in a natural way, by using the arithmetical operations implemented through fast algorithms. The package has been completed with a test matrices set and with the most common preconditioners. Particular attention was given to an user-friendly use, to the compatibility with the Matlab environment and with the intrinsic computing functions, and to the optimization of the computing time and memory requirements, focusing first on few structured matrices and on the basic algorithms for the solution of linear systems by using preconditioned iterative methods [A9]. This toolbox was inserted in the netlib library as na30.

For helping the users that wish to try the extrapolation methods, but want to use the Matlab environment, we implemented with this language some of the recursive algorithms for the topological Shanks transformations. In particular, Wynn ε-algorithm with its particular rules able to avoid numerical instability, and the topological ε-algorithms in their original versions and also in their very recent simplified forms have been implemented [A7], [A5]. These simplified algorithms have only one recursive rule instead of two (and, the rule involves only terms with an even index), they required less storage than the initial algorithms, elements of the dual vector space no longer have to be used in the recursive rules but only in their initializations (thus allowing to treat the matrix and the tensor cases), and the numerical stability is improved. A toolbox named EPSfun was built, the corresponding article has been published [A5], and the related software has been inserted in netlib as the package na44. Actually, a version in Python is under construction together with S. Cipolla (Univ. of Edimburgh, UK).

A package named Extrapolation for nonlinear Fredholm integral equations, in connection with the article [A1], has been inserted in the public domain Matlab File Exchange site. Link to software.


In the first period of my academic research, until 1989, my interest was focused on issues closer to Computer Science, but, however, I worked with the idea of using them for other applications.

The examination of various types of graphical representations leaded to programs of general use [V9]. Moreover I have deepened the understanding of the control of quality of software and its portability in non-homogeneous environments hardware/software.

In the field of automatic cartography, we founded the way for performing boolean operations between regions (union, intersection and difference), starting from the knowledge of their contours [V7], [V6]. Still in the field of cartography, but with a more focused vision in the development of mathematical models, we built a model, called MOMID, for the analysis of a catchment drainage [P14].

Several books and reports have been published [L10] [L9] [L8] [L6] [L5] [L7] [V10] [V8] [V4]. One of them is on the UNIX operating system and is one of the first books on this topic published in Italy. We also wrote a paper giving a short history of continued fractions [A56] (translated into Greek by M. Mitrouli).

Several didactic review articles for a French encyclopedia which is widely distributed among engineers and engineering high schools were written [P2] [P1].

Michela Redivo Zaglia