
Marco Panunzio
Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics, University of Padua
via Trieste 63
35121 Padova

Rapid Model-Driven Prototyping and Verification of High-Integrity Real-Time Systems

Matteo Bordin, Marco Panunzio, Stefano Puri

23rd IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (Tool Demonstration Session)


Model-driven technologies offer a most attractive framework for rapid, iterative software development cycles by facilitating a productive merge of high-level modeling with automated model transformation and verification. In the high-integrity application domain it is of paramount importance to assure semantics preservation across each view of the system produced as part of the development process, most notably the design model, the analysis model, the executable. In this short paper we present a toolset that assures the preservation of properties of interest across all stages of an MDE-geared development.