ITES2001 - Fourth Italian-Spanish Conference on
Bressanone, 27-30 June 2001

k-Set contractive retractions and k-set contractions
in spaces of continuous functions

Giulio Trombetta
Dipartimento di Matematica Arcavacata di Rende
Università della Calabria, Italy

The abstract of the talk (see below) may be downloaded in one of the following formats:

Let X be an infinite-dimensional Banach space, and let $B$ and $S$ be its
close unit ball and unit sphere, respectively. A~continuous mapping $
R:B\rightarrow S
is said to be a retraction provided that $x=Rx$ for all $%
x\in S$. We prove that in some Banach spaces of continuous functions
for every $\varepsilon >0$ there exists a retraction of the close unit ball
onto the unit sphere being a \hbox{$(1+\varepsilon)$}-set contraction.
This result and the properties of the fixed-point index of a $k$-set
contraction with $k<1$ are the main tools in order to obtain a theorem on the
existence of positive
eigenvalues of $k$-set contractions.

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