ITES2001 - Fourth Italian-Spanish Conference on
Bressanone, 27-30 June 2001

On the Zariski Closure
Eraldo Giuli and David Holgate
University of Stellenbosch, South Africa

The abstract of the talk (see below) may be downloaded in one of the following formats:

The Zariski closure operator is naturally defined in any category of
``affine spaces" modelled over an algebra $A$. (See [1] and [2].)

In this talk we look at the algebras on $A = \{0,1\}$ having arbitrary
joins and $\alpha$-meets ($\alpha$ a regular cardinal) and the
topological spaces {\bf Alex($\alpha$)} that they model.  Using the
Zariski closure we investigate separated objects, completion
constructions and compactness properties in {\bf Alex($\alpha$)}.
In this way a simple generalization gives rise to a wealth of
interesting examples.


Y.~Diers, {\em Affine algebraic sets relative to an algebraic
theory,} Journal of Geometry, {\bf 65} (1999), 329-341.

E.~Giuli, {\em Zariski closure, completeness and
compactness,} CatMAT 2000\\ Proceedings:Mathematik-Arbeitspapiere,
Universit\"at Bremen, {\bf 54} (2000), 207--216.


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