University of Verona, via de Sorapera, 25-27, 38030 Alba di Canazei (TN).
Meshfree Approximation Methods with Matlab. Speaker: Greg Fasshauer, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago Here the lectures outline. Participation to the tutorials is free for the members of the invited working groups. For the other participants the fees are as follows: students, Ph.D. students, post-docs, research fellowships: 50 euros; academics and public research institutions: 100 euros; others: 200 euros. Info on how to pay the registration fee are here. The preregistration to the tutorials is now OPEN . Those people interested to attend to the tutorial, are kindly invited to send an email to Marco Vianello .
L. Bos (Calgary), J-P. Calvi (Toulouse), F. Costabile (Cosenza), N. Levenberg (Bloomington), A. Sommariva (Padua), M. Vianello (Padua). - Approximation by Radial Bases G. Allasia (Turin), R. Besenghi (Turin), M. Bozzini (Milan-Bicocca), S. De Marchi (Verona), A. De Rossi (Turin), G. Fasshauer (Chicago), C. Rieger (Goettingen), L. Romani (Milan-Bicocca), L. Traversoni (Ciudad de Mexico). - Spectral Approximations for Nonlinear Schroedinger Equations M. Caliari (Verona), A. Ostermann (Innsbruck), M. Thalhammer (Innsbruck).
Co-organized by the Padova-Verona CAA research group