Alba di Canazei, Trento (Italy), September 6-9, 2010

University of Verona, at Alba di Canazei

Alba di Canazei, Val di Fassa (Trento), Italy.
University of Verona, via de Sorapera, 25-27, 38030 Alba di Canazei (TN).

General info
DRWA10 is organized by the Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics of the University of Padua and the Department of Computer Science of the University of Verona. It aims to provide a meeting point and a forum for researchers in approximation theory and its applications, with the formula of open tutorials + invited working groups and a poster session. The site, which has several rooms with white-board and PC projector and a computing laboratory with 27 PCs connected to the web, can host up to 5-6 working groups. There will be at disposal also a common room for scientific discussions among the participants to the tutorial who are not in a specific working group (see also the previous editions DRWA07, DRWA08). Please contact soon the organizers if you wish to arrange a working group.

Adaptive Approximation Methods for Signal Data Processing
Speaker: Armin Iske, University of Hamburg (Germany)
Here the lectures outline.

Plenary talk
A Survey of Near-Optimal Points for Multivariate Polynomial Interpolation
Speaker: Len Bos, University of Verona (Italy)
Here the abstract.

Poster Session
September 9: afternoon, 15:00-16:30.

Working groups scheduled at present (invited participation)
- Multivariate Polynomial Approximation
L. Bos (Verona), N. Levenberg (Indiana), F. Rapetti (Sophia-Antipolis), A. Sommariva and M. Vianello (Padua)

- Meshfree Approximation
A. Iske (Hamburg), G. Allasia, C. Bracco, R. Cavoretto and A. De Rossi (Turin), S. De Marchi (Padua)

Timetable for this working group.

- Exponential Integrators
A. Ostermann (Innsbruck), M. Caliari (Verona), P. Novati (Padua), S. Rainer (Innsbruck)
Timetable for this working group.

The preregistration is now OPEN .
Those people interested to attend to the tutorial or present a poster, are kindly invited to send an email to Marco Vianello.
Notice that the number of participants is limited to 50.
Info on the registration fees is here.

Participants can submit a full length paper for publication on Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation (DRNA).
The deadline for papers submission is November 30, 2010.

List of Participants



Photos by Alvise Sommariva

How to reach Alba di Canazei

Organizing Committee
L. Bos (Verona), M. Caliari (Verona), S. De Marchi (Padua), A. Sommariva (Padua), M. Vianello (Padua).
Co-organized by the Padova-Verona CAA research group

For any further information, email to: S. De Marchi or M. Vianello.
The leaflet, in A4 format, of the meeting is here.

Supporting institutions