Università di Padova 

Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita"

Welcome to the web page of

Francesco Fassò 



Seminars, conferences etc. 


Lecture notes, Advanced courses etc. 



Corsi a.a. 2024-2025

  • Dynamical Systems  (Master in Mathematics, Mappa)
    Moodle of the course 
    Students are invited to enroll to the course in Moodle.
    Info on the course, and on its organization, will be given in the first class (October 2). All students who cannot attend it are urged to contact me by email in advance.

  • Fisica Matematica (Matematica)
    Il corso e` al secondo semestre

Corsi a.a. 2023-2024

Corsi anni precedenti
Tesi di laurea 

Studiare Fisica Matematica a Padova/Studying Mathematical Physics in Padua


Ricevimento su appuntamento (contattatemi per email o di persona)



 Last Update: 30/09/24