Università di Padova - Dipartimento di Matematica "Tullio Levi-Civita"
Francesco Fassò 


[56] On some aspects of the dynamics of a ball in a rotating surface of revolution and of the kasamawashi art
(with N. Sansonetto)
Regular & Chaotic Dynamics 27 (2022), 409-423. 
Link to published article

[55] Perturbations of Superintegrable Hamiltonian Systems.
In: Meyers, R.A. (eds) Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science.
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg (2022).
Link to published article

[54] On the dynamics of a heavy symmetric ball that rolls without sliding on a uniformly rotating surface of revolution
(with M. Dalla Via and N. Sansonetto)
Journal of Nonlinear Science 32 (2022), article 84.
Link to published article

[53] Computing the Cut Locus of a Riemannian Manifold via Optimal Transport
(with E. Facca, L. Berti and M. Putti)
ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 56 (2022), 1939-1954
Link to published article

[52] Control of locomotion systems and dynamics in relative periodic orbits 
Journal of Geometric Mechanics 12 (2020), 395-420.
(with  S. Passarella and M. Zoppello)
Link to published article

[51] Integrability and dynamics of the n-dimensional symmetric Veselova top 
Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (2019), 1205-1246.
(with  L. Garcia-Naranjo and J. Montaldi)
Link to published article

[50] Moving energies as first integrals of nonholonomic systems with affine constraints    Preprint (revised version)
Nonlinearity 31 (2018), 755-782.
(with  L. Garcia-Naranjo and N. Sansonetto)

[49]  Quantum manifestations of Nekhoroshev stability
Physics Letters A 380 (2016), 3167-3172
(with D. Fontanari and D. Sadovskii)

[48] An application of Nekhoroshev theory to the study of the perturbed hydrogen atom  Preprint
Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 18, Issue 1 (2015)
(with D. Fontanari and D. Sadovskii)

[47] Conservation of  energy and momenta in nonholonomic systems with affine constraints   Preprint
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics  20 (2015), 449-462
(with N. Sansonetto)

[46] Conservation of  `moving' energy in nonholonomic systems with affine constraints and integrability of spheres on rotating surfaces Preprint
Journal of Nonlinear Science 26 (2016), 519-544 (available as Online First)
(with N. Sansonetto)

[45] No monodromy in the champagne bottle, or singularities of a superintegrable system    Preprint
Journal of Geometric Mechanics
8 (2016), 375-389.
(with L. Bates)

[44] Quasi-periodicity in relative quasi-periodic tori.  Preprint
Nonlinearity 28 (2015) 4281-4301
(with A. Giacobbe and L. Garcia-Naranjo)

[43] The Hamilton-Jacobi equation, integrability, and nonholonomic systems. Preprint - PDF 
Journal of Geometric Mechanics 6 (2014), 441-449
(with L. Bates and N. Sansonetto)

[42] Erratum to: Stability properties of the Riemann ellipsoids. Preprint - PDF 
Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 212 (2014), 1065-1069.
(with D. Lewis)

[41] Il corpo rigido in rapida rotazione: una moderna visione hamiltoniana, in: Complementi alle lezioni di Meccanica Razionale di T. Levi--Civita e U. Amaldi, E.N.M. Cirillo, G. Maschio, T. Ruggeri and G. Saccomandi editors (Edizioni Compumat, 2012).
(with G. Benettin and M.Guzzo)

[40] Linear weakly Noetherian constants of motion are horizontal gauge momenta.  Preprint - PDF 
Journal of Geometric Mechanics 4 (2012), 129-136.
(with A. Giacobbe and N. Sansonetto)

[39] On the number of Weakly-Noetherian constants of motions of nonholonomic systems.  Preprint - PDF 
Journal of Geometric Mechanics 1, 389-416 (2009)
(with A. Giacobbe and N. Sansonetto)

[38] An elemental overview of the nonholonomic Noether theorem.  Preprint - PDF 
International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 6, 1343-1355 (2009) 
(with N. Sansonetto)

[37] Gauge conservation laws and the momentum equation in nonholonomic mechanics.
Reports on Mathematical Physics 62, 345-367 (2008) Preprint - PDF 
(with A. Giacobbe and N. Sansonetto)

[36]  The exact computation of the free rigid body motion and its use in splitting methods.  Preprint - PDF 
Siam Journal on Scientific Computing 30, 2084-2112 (2008)
(with E. Celledoni, N. Safstrom and A. Zanna)

[35]  An affine model for the actions in an integrable system with monodromy
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 12, 675-679 (2007) (Special issue dedicated to Richard Cushman)
(with L. Bates)

[34]  The reaction-annihilator distribution and the nonholonomic Noether theorem for lifted actions Revised version - PDF 
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 12, 579-588 (2007) (Special issue dedicated to Richard Cushman)
(with A. Ramos and N. Sansonetto)

[33]  Integrable almost-symplectic Hamiltonian systems Preprint - PDF 
Journal of Mathematical Physics 48, no. 9, 092902 (2007).
(with N. Sansonetto)

[32]  Geometry of invariant tori of certain integrable systems with symmetry and an application to a nonholonomic system.  Article - PDF 
Sigma-Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 3, article 051 (2007)
(with A. Giacobbe)

[31]  Geometry of KAM tori for nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems  Preprint - PDF 
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems  27 (3),  725-741 (2007).
(with H. Broer, R. Cushman and F. Takens)

[30]  The conjugate locus for the Euler top. I. The axisymmetric case.    Preprint - Zipped PS 
International Mathematical Forum 2 (43), 2109-2139 (2007).
(with L. Bates)

[29]  Long-term stability of proper rotations and local chaotic motions in the perturbed Euler rigid body 
Regular and Chaotic Mechanics 11, 267-284 (2006).
(with G. Benettin and M. Guzzo)

[28]  Superintegrable Hamiltonian systems: geometry and perturbations.
Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 87, 93-121 (2005) 
Preprint (revised version) -PS 

[27]  Periodic flows, Poisson structures, and Nonholonomi mechanics.     Preprint (Second version, 2005) -PS 
Regular and Chaotic Mechanics 10, 267-284 (2005).

(with A. Giacobbe and N. Sansonetto)

[26]  A Hamiltonian KAM theorem for bundles of Lagrangean tori
In:  F. Dumortier, H.W. Broer, J. Mahwin and S.M. Verduyn-Lunel (eds),  EQUADIFF 2003, pg 696-701 (World Scientific, Singapore, 2005)
(with H. Broer and R. Cushman)

[25]  Long-term stability of proper rotations of the perturbed Euler rigid body  Preprint (revised version)-PS
Communications in Mathematical Physics  250, 133-160 (2004)
(with G. Benettin and M. Guzzo)

[24] An algorithm for detecting Directional Quasi-Convexity      Preprint (revised version) - PS 
 - Numerical Mathematics 44, 571-584 (2004)
(with H.Dullin)

[23] Comparison of splitting algorithms for the rigid body    Preprint-PS 
Journal of Computational Physics (Vol. 189, 527-538, 10 August 2003) 

[22] Geometric structure of "broadly integrable" Hamiltonian systems    Preprint-PS
Journal of Geometry and Physics 44, 156-170 (2002)
(with A. Giacobbe)

[21] Regular and chaotic motions of the fast rotating rigid body: a numerical study   Preprint-PS (3.7 MB)  Preprint-ZippedPS (1.2 MB)
Discrete and Continuos Dynamical Systems, Series B 2, 521-540 (2002)
(with G. Benettin and A.M. Cherubini)

[20] A "changing chart" symplectic algorithm for rigid bodies and other Hamiltonian systems on manifolds  Preprint-PS
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23, 1189-1203 (2001)
(with G. Benettin and A.M. Cherubini)

[19] Stability properties of the Riemann ellipsoids  Preprint-PS
Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 158, 259-292 (2001)
(with D. Lewis)

[18] Nekhoroshev-stability of L4 and L5 in the spatial restricted three-body problem
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 3, 56-72  (1998).
(with  G. Benettin and M. Guzzo)
NOTE: For an editorial error, the journal published a preliminary version of the article,  which is significantly different from the final version in a few points (including some of the numerical results). The correct version of the article can be downloaded  from the web page of the journal or else from here, as a postscript file.

[17] On the stability of elliptic equilibria Article-PS
MPEJ - Mathemathical Physics Electronic Journal 4, Paper 1  (1998).
(with  G. Benettin and M. Guzzo)

[16] Compatibility of symplectic structures adapted to noncommutatively integrable systems   Preprint-PS
Journal of Geometry and Physics 27, 199-220 (1998).
(with  T. Ratiu)

[15] Nekhoroshev-stability of elliptic equilibria of Hamiltonian systems    Preprint-PS
Communications in Mathematical Physics 197, 347-360 (1998).
(with  G. Benettin and M. Guzzo)

[14] From Hamiltonian perturbation theory to symplectic integrators and back   Preprint-PS
Applied Numerical Mathematics 29, 73-87 (1999).
(with G. Benettin)

[13] Fast rotations of the rigid body: A study by Hamiltonian perturbation theory. Part II: Gyroscopic rotations
Nonlinearity 10, 1695-1717 (1997)
(with  G. Benettin and M. Guzzo)

[12]  On the conservation of adiabatic invariants for a system of coupled rotators
Physica D 104, 253-268 (1997)
(with G. Benettin and A. Carati)

[11]  Fast rotations of the rigid body
In  New trends in Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics,  J. Llibre e A. Lacomba ed.,
Advanced Series on Nonlinear Dynamics 8, pag. 163-177 (World Scientific, Singapore, 1996).

[10] Quasi--periodicity of motions and complete integrability of Hamiltonian systems Preprint-PS
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 18, 1349-1362 (1998)

[9] The Euler--Poinsot top: a non--commutatively integrable system without global action-angle coordinates
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP) 47, 953-976 (1996)

[8]  Fast rotations of the rigid body: A study by Hamiltonian perturbation theory. Part I.
Nonlinearity  9, 137-186 (1996)
(with G. Benettin)

[7]  Hamiltonian perturbation theory on a manifold
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy  62, 43-69 (1995)

[6] Perturbation theory for systems without global action--angle coordinates
In Hamiltonian Mechanics: Integrability and Chaotic Behaviour, J. Seimenis editor,
pg. 113-120 (Plenum, New York, 1994)

[5]  Classical ``freezing'' of plane rotations: a proof of the Boltzmann-Jeans conjecture
Journal of Statistical Physics 63, 737-760 (1991)
(with G. Benettin)

[4]  Lie series method for vector fields and Hamiltonian perturbation theory
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP) 41, 843-864 (1990)

[3] Exponential estimates on the one dimensional Schroedinger equation with bounded analytic potential
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare - Physique theorique 51, 45-66 (1989)
(with G. Benettin and L. Chierchia)

[2] On a relation among Lie series
Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy  46, 113-118 (1989)

[1] Composition of Lie transforms with rigorous estimates and applications to Hamiltonian
perturbation theory
Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics (ZAMP) 40, 307-329 (1989)
(with G. Benettin)

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