[15 jan 2024] - New preprints. A new preprint on a conjecture on Hodge loci of linear combinations of linear subvarieties and a new preprint on Hodge loci associated with linear subspaces intersecting in codimension one.
[26 sep 2022] - Paper published. My paper Deformations of hypersurfaces with non-constant Alexander polynomial has been published online in International Mathematics Research Notices.
[29 aug 2022] - Paper published. My paper on Curves with rational families of quasi-toric relations has been published in Kodai Mathematical Journal. Click here for the arxiv version.
[27 apr 2022] - New preprint. A new preprint on The Average Mordell-Weil Rank of Elliptic Surfaces over Number Fields.
[25 sep 2021] - Paper published. My paper on a new proof for infinitesimal Torelli for elliptic surfaces without multiple fibers and sufficiently large Euler number has been published online in the Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra.
[16 sep 2021] - Lectures. In January/February 2022 I will teach a PhD course on Abelian Varieties.
[30 jul 2021] - Paper published. My paper Maximal families of nodal varieties with defect has been published online in Mathematische Zeitschrift.
[27 dec 2020] - Accepted. My preprint on the Variational Hodge conjecture for complete intersections on hypersurfaces in projective space has been accepted for publication in Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova.
[23 oct 2020] - Lectures. In February/March 2021 I will teach a PhD course on Rational points on Varieties.
[22 nov 2019] - Workshop. Together with Orsola Tommasi I organize a workshop in Padova on December 9 and 10.
[30 sep 2019] - Lectures Commutative Algebra. Site with information on this course.
[21 sep 2019] - Published. A recent preprint (together with S. Rams) on quintic threefolds with triple points has been accepted for publication in Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
[28 feb 2018] - Lectures elliptic curves. In the spring of 2019 I teach together with Matteo Longo a course o the arithmetic of elliptic curves.
[1 feb 2019] - Workshop. I organize together with Ernesto Mistretta, Roberto Pignatelli and Francesco Polizzi a workshop on K3 surfaces.
[28 feb 2018] - Lectures compact surfaces. In the spring of 2018 I teach a course on complex compact surfaces. This course is intended for advanced master students and PhD students. The course is scheduled on Friday, 10:30-12:00, starting March, 16. (Note that on March 16 we will start at 11:00.)
[07 nov 2017] - Published. My paper on Zeta functions of monomial deformations of Delsarte hyperurfaces has been published in SIGMA 13 (2017).
[21 sep 2016] - Corso Superficie di Riemann. Sito con informazione sul corso.
[1 mar 2016] - Old files The files conerning the workshop on elliptic and K3 surfaces I organised are here.
[1 mar 2016] - New job. I moved to the Università degli Studi di Padova.