ITES2001 - Fourth Italian-Spanish Conference on
Bressanone, 27-30 June 2001

The existence of dense pseudocompact subgroups
and of pseudocompact refinements

Jorge Galindo
Universitat Jaume i de Castelló, Spain

The abstract of the talk (see below) may be downloaded in one of the following formats:

The  1966 results of Comfort and Ross revealed
pseudocompact groups
as one of
those  objects for which the confluence of
 algebra and  topology
yields  a richer structure. Pseudocompact groups have since
 drawn the attention of many general topologists,
who find  among them a    setting  amenable to their  techniques.

The  topic of this talk belongs to this tradition and
 will be centered on
the following two
extremal phenomena  involving  a pseudocompact group
\item Can $(G,\mathcal{T})$  be extremal in the sense that
 no finer
group topology
$\mathcal{ S}\supset \mathcal{T}$ on $G$ is pseudocompact?
\item Can  $(G,\mathcal{T})$   be extremal in  the
sense that  it contains no proper dense subgroup
which is pseudocompact?
Research around  problems  of this sort began
with a   paper by Comfort and Soundararajan \cite{comfsound},
took its present form  with
the monograph
\cite{comfrobe88} where, among other results, it was proved
 that compact Abelian groups are not extremal in either of the senses
1 or 2 above.

Yet the question  about the existence of (any kind of) extremal
pseudocompact groups remains unsolved,
a number of particular cases show
that  extremality is rather a pathological property
and  support the conjecture (with no evidence, though)
that no pseudocompact Abelian group
is  extremal in either sense.

The style of the  talk will be chiefly expository. We shall  attempt to outline
the main techniques employed to find
finer pseudocompact topologies and  dense pseudocompact subgroups,
to describe the deep ties  existing between the two extremal
and to show
  which Abelian pseudocompact  groups
are the (few) remaining  candidates for  extremality.
Some unpublished results obtained jointly
with W.~W.~Comfort will be included.

W.~W. Comfort and Lewis~C. Robertson.
\newblock Extremal phenomena in certain classes of totally bounded groups.
\newblock {\em Dissertationes Math. (Rozprawy Mat.)}, 272, 1988.

W.~W. Comfort and T.~Soundararajan.
\newblock Pseudocompact group topologies and totally dense subgroups.
\newblock {\em Pacific J. Math.}, 100(1), 61--84, 1982.


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