Teaching related activities

  • (1st Semester 2024/2025) Lecturer for "High dimensional Probability", at University of Padova.
  • (2nd Semester 2023/2024) Lecturer for "Istituzioni di Probabilità", at University of Padova.
  • (1st Semester 2023/2024) Lecturer for "High dimensional probability", at University of Padova.
  • (2nd Semester 2022/2023) Lecturer for "Istituzioni di Probabilità", at University of Padova.
  • (2nd Semester 2021/2022) Lecturer for "Istituzioni di Probabilità", at University of Padova.
  • (2nd Quarter 2021/2022) Lecturer for "Analysis III - Vector calculus", at TU Eindhoven.
  • (1st Quarter 2021/2022) Lecturer for "Measure, integration and probability theory", at TU Eindhoven.
  • (4th Quarter 2020/2021) Lecturer for "Extreme value theory and other catastrophes", at TU Eindhoven.
  • (4th Quarter 2020/2021) Instructions for 2WA40 Analysis II, at TU Eindhoven.
  • (1st Quarter 2020/2021) Lecturer for "Measure, integration and probability theory", at TU Eindhoven.
  • (4th Quarter 2019/2020) Lecturer for "Extreme value theory and other catastrophes", at TU Eindhoven.
  • (4th Quarter 2019/2020) Instructions for 2WA40 Analysis II, at TU Eindhoven.
  • (Fall 2019) Probability theory, Math 170A at UCLA.
  • (Fall 2019) Analysis, Math 131B at UCLA.
  • (Spring 2019) Coordination of the student seminar ''Random matrix theory'' (organized by J. Bertoin, A.-S. Sznitman and V. Tassion) at ETH Zurich.
  • (Spring 2018) Coordination of the student seminar ''Harmonic functions on groups'' (organized by J. Bertoin, A.-S. Sznitman and V. Tassion) at ETH Zurich.
  • (Fall 2017) Co-supervision of the Master's thesis of R. Riviere on ''Percolation on the stationary distributions of the voter model'' (together with A.-S. Sznitman) at ETH Zurich.
  • (October 2011 -- June 2012) Tutorials for BSc courses in calculus and linear algebra, 150 hours at University of Padova.


PhD students

  • Tommaso Carazzato (2024-present with G. Giacomin, UniPD)
  • Emanuele Pasqui (2023-present, UniPD)
  • Giacomo Greco (2024 with G. Conforti, TU/e)

Master's students

  • Anna Donadini (2023, co-supervisor, MAPPA, UniPD-PSL)
  • Gianluca Scano (2023, UniPD)
  • Abdulwahab Mohamed (2021, TU/e)
  • Bart van Schooten (2021, TU/e)
  • Renaud Riviere (2017, ETH Zurich)

Bachelor's students

  • Alberto de Nicolò (2024, UniPD)
  • Anna Bendo (2023, UniPD)
  • Pim Keer (2021, TU/e)