
My principal domain of research is probability theory, with a particular accent on statistical physics models. More specifically I investigated random interface models such as the Gaussian free field (extremes, entropic repulsion, level set percolation). I have also worked on random motion in random media, focusing especially on the random conductance model and on diffusions in divergence form with degenerate and unbounded coefficients. Recently I have been interested in the Schrödinger problem and its connections to stochastic optimal control problems and optimal transport.

Papers by area

Stochastic homogenization, random motion in random media

  • A. Chiarini, S. Floreani, F. Redig, F. Sau. Fractional kinetics equation from a Markovian system of interacting Bouchaud trap models. ArXiv (2023). arXiv
  • A. Chiarini, S. Floreani, F. Sau. From quenched invariance principle to semigroup convergence with applications to exclusion processes. Electron. Commun. Probab. 29, 1-17, (2024). Paper
  • S. Andres, A. Chiarini and M. Slowik. Quenched local limit theorem for random walks among time-dependent ergodic degenerate weights. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields (2021). Paper
  • P. Bella, A. Chiarini and B. Fehrman. A Liouville theorem for stationary and ergodic ensembles of parabolic systems. Volume 173, Issue 3-4, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields (2019). Paper
  • S. Andres, A. Chiarini, J.D. Deuschel and M. Slowik. Quenched invariance principle for random walks with time-dependent ergodic degenerate weights. The Annals of Probability (2018) vol. 46, no. 1, 302-336. Paper
  • A. Chiarini and J.D. Deuschel. Invariance principle for symmetric diffusions in a degenerate and unbounded stationary and ergodic random medium. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) (2016), vol. 52, no. 4, 1535-1563. Paper
  • A. Chiarini and J.D. Deuschel. Local Central Limit Theorem for diffusions in a degenerate and unbounded random medium. Electron. J. Probab. 20 (2015), no. 112, 1-30. doi:10.1214/EJP.v20-4190. Paper

Stochastic interface models and large deviations

  • A. Chiarini and M. Nitzschner. Lower bounds for bulk deviations for the simple random walk. ArXiv (2023). arXiv
  • A. Chiarini and M. Nitzschner. Phase transition for level-set percolation of the membrane model in dimensions bigger or equal to five. Journal of Statistical Physics, (2023), Vol. 190, no 59. Paper
  • A. Chiarini and M. Nitzschner. Disconnection and entropic repulsion for the harmonic crystal with random conductances. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 386, pages 1685-1745 (2021). Paper
  • A. Chiarini and M. Nitzschner. Entropic repulsion for the Gaussian free field conditioned on disconnection by level-sets. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 177 (1-2), pp. 525-575, (2020). Paper
  • A. Chiarini and M. Nitzschner. Entropic repulsion for the occupation-time field of random interlacements conditioned on disconnection. The Annals of Probability (2020), vol. 48, no 3, 1317-1351. Paper
  • A. Chiarini, A. Cipriani and R. S. Hazra. Extremes of some Gaussian random interfaces. Journal of Statistical Physics, (2016), Vol. 165, Issue 3, pp 521–544 Paper
  • A. Chiarini, A. Cipriani and R. S. Hazra. Extremes of the supercritical Gaussian Free Field. ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. (2016) 13, 711–724. Paper
  • A. Chiarini, A. Cipriani and R. S. Hazra. A note on the extremal process of the supercritical Gaussian Free Field. Electron. Commun. Probab. 20 (2015), no. 74, 1-10. doi:10.1214/ECP.v20-4332. Paper

Stochastic mass transport and the Schrödinger problem

  • A. Chiarini, G. Conforti, G. Greco and L. Tamanini. A semiconcavity approach to stability of entropic plans and exponential convergence of Sinkhorn's algorithm. ArXiv (2024). arXiv
  • A. Chiarini, G. Conforti, G. Greco and L. Tamanini. Gradient estimates for the Schrödinger potentials: convergence to the Brenier map and quantitative stability. Communications in Partial Differential Equations (2023). Paper
  • A. Chiarini, G. Conforti, G. Greco and Z. Ren. Entropic turnpike estimates for the kinetic Schrödinger problem. Electron. J. Probab. 27, 1-32 (2022). Paper
  • A. Chiarini, G. Conforti and L. Tamanini. Schrödinger problem for Lattice Gases: A Heuristic Point of View. 5h International Conference on Geometric Science of Information, GSI 2021, Paris, 21-23 July 2021. Conference Proceedings

All Papers and Preprints

  • A. Chiarini, G. Conforti, G. Greco and L. Tamanini. A semiconcavity approach to stability of entropic plans and exponential convergence of Sinkhorn's algorithm. ArXiv (2024). arXiv
  • A. Chiarini and M. Nitzschner. Lower bounds for bulk deviations for the simple random walk. ArXiv (2023). arXiv
  • A. Chiarini, S. Floreani, F. Redig, F. Sau. Fractional kinetics equation from a Markovian system of interacting Bouchaud trap models. ArXiv (2023). arXiv
  • A. Chiarini, S. Floreani, F. Sau. From quenched invariance principle to semigroup convergence with applications to exclusion processes. Electron. Commun. Probab. 29, 1-17, (2024). Paper
  • A. Chiarini and M. Nitzschner. Phase transition for level-set percolation of the membrane model in dimensions bigger or equal to five. Journal of Statistical Physics, (2023), Vol. 190, no 59. Paper
  • A. Chiarini, G. Conforti, G. Greco and L. Tamanini. Gradient estimates for the Schrödinger potentials: convergence to the Brenier map and quantitative stability. Communications in Partial Differential Equations (2023). Paper
  • A. Chiarini, G. Conforti, G. Greco and Z. Ren. Entropic turnpike estimates for the kinetic Schrödinger problem. Electron. J. Probab. 27, 1-32 (2022). Paper
  • A. Chiarini and M. Nitzschner. Disconnection and entropic repulsion for the harmonic crystal with random conductances. Communications in Mathematical Physics, 386, pages 1685-1745 (2021). Paper
  • S. Andres, A. Chiarini and M. Slowik. Quenched local limit theorem for random walks among time-dependent ergodic degenerate weights. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields (2021). Paper
  • A. Chiarini and M. Nitzschner. Entropic repulsion for the Gaussian free field conditioned on disconnection by level-sets. Probab. Theory Relat. Fields 177 (1-2), pp. 525-575, (2020). Paper
  • A. Chiarini and M. Nitzschner. Entropic repulsion for the occupation-time field of random interlacements conditioned on disconnection. The Annals of Probability (2020), vol. 48, no 3, 1317-1351. Paper
  • P. Bella, A. Chiarini and B. Fehrman. A Liouville theorem for stationary and ergodic ensembles of parabolic systems. Volume 173, Issue 3-4, Probab. Theory Relat. Fields (2019). Paper
  • A. Chiarini and P. Mathieu. Singular weighted Sobolev spaces and diffusion processes: an example (due to V.V. Zhikov). Volume 98, Issue 1-2: Homogenization and Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations dedicated to the memory of Vassily Vassilievich Zhikov. Applicable Analysis (2019). Paper
  • S. Andres, A. Chiarini, J.D. Deuschel and M. Slowik. Quenched invariance principle for random walks with time-dependent ergodic degenerate weights. The Annals of Probability (2018) vol. 46, no. 1, 302-336. Paper
  • A. Chiarini, A. Cipriani and R. S. Hazra. Extremes of some Gaussian random interfaces. Journal of Statistical Physics, (2016), Vol. 165, Issue 3, pp 521–544 Paper
  • A. Chiarini, A. Cipriani and R. S. Hazra. Extremes of the supercritical Gaussian Free Field. ALEA, Lat. Am. J. Probab. Math. Stat. (2016) 13, 711–724. Paper
  • A. Chiarini and J.D. Deuschel. Invariance principle for symmetric diffusions in a degenerate and unbounded stationary and ergodic random medium. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) (2016), vol. 52, no. 4, 1535-1563. Paper
  • A. Chiarini and J.D. Deuschel. Local Central Limit Theorem for diffusions in a degenerate and unbounded random medium. Electron. J. Probab. 20 (2015), no. 112, 1-30. doi:10.1214/EJP.v20-4190. Paper
  • A. Chiarini, A. Cipriani and R. S. Hazra. A note on the extremal process of the supercritical Gaussian Free Field. Electron. Commun. Probab. 20 (2015), no. 74, 1-10. doi:10.1214/ECP.v20-4332. Paper
  • A. Chiarini and M. Fischer. On large deviations for small noise Itô processes. Adv. in Appl. Probab. 46 (2014), no. 4, 1126--1147. doi:10.1239/aap/1418396246. Paper

Conference Proceedings

  • A. Chiarini, G. Conforti and L. Tamanini. Schrödinger problem for Lattice Gases: A Heuristic Point of View. 5h International Conference on Geometric Science of Information, GSI 2021, Paris, 21-23 July 2021. Conference Proceedings

Other documents

  • A. Chiarini, A. Cipriani and G. Conforti. Approximating conditional distributions. arXiv
  • A. Chiarini and A. Cipriani. A note on the Green's function for the transient random walk without killing on the half lattice, orthant and strip. arXiv
  • A. Chiarini. Invariance principle for diffusions in degenerate and unbounded random environment. Phd thesis
  • A. Chiarini. Large deviations for small noise Itô processes through a weak convergence approach. Master thesis