Università degli Studi di Padova

INdAM Research Unit

The Research Unit is coordinated by prof. Eloisa Detomi and is divided into two sections: one embedded in the Department of Mathematics “Tullio Levi-Civita” (located in Padova), and the other within the Department of Management and Engineering (located in Vicenza), coordinated by prof. Corrado Zanella.

Indam homepage

GNAMPA Ancona Fabio
GNCS Bandiziol Cinzia
GNAMPA Baracco Luca
GNAMPA Bardi Martino
GNCS Bergamaschi Luca
GNFM Berlinghieri Francesca
GNFM Bernardi Olga
GNSAGA Bertapelle Alessandra
GNAMPA Bertin Tommaso
GNAMPA Bianchi Alessandra
GNAMPA Bombardieri Gaia
GNAMPA Bossio Tania
GNCS Bresolin Davide
GNAMPA Cacciafesta Federico
GNCS Calcagni Antonio
GNAMPA Caravenna Laura
GNSAGA Carnovale Giovanna
GNAMPA Casarino Valentina
GNAMPA Ceccherini Silberstein Giacomo
GNAMPA Cecchin Alekos
GNAMPA Cesaroni Annalisa
GNSAGA Chiarellotto Bruno
GNAMPA Chiarini Alberto
GNAMPA Ciatti Paolo
GNAMPA Cirant Marco
GNSAGA Ciraulo Francesco
GNSAGA Collacciani Elena
GNAMPA Colombo Giovanni
GNCS Coro’ Federico
GNCS Crescenzio Nicolo
GNAMPA D’agnolo Andrea
GNAMPA D’auria Bernardo
GNAMPA Danesi Elena
GNCS De Marchi Stefano
GNSAGA Detomi Eloisa Michela
GNSAGA Dos Santos Vitoria Jorge Nuno
GNCS Erb Wolfgang
GNSAGA Esposito Francesco
GNFM Fasso’ Francesco
GNCS Ferronato Massimiliano
GNAMPA Fischer Markus
GNAMPA Fontana Claudio
GNAMPA Formentin Marco
GNCS Franceschini Andrea
GNAMPA Fusco Giovanni
GNFM Galasso Sara
GNFM Giusteri Giulio Giuseppe
GNAMPA Goffi Alessandro
GNFM Guzzo Massimiliano
GNCS Janna Carlo
GNSAGA Kloosterman Remke Nanne
GNAMPA Lamberti Pier Domenico
GNSAGA Languasco Alessandro
GNAMPA Lanza de Cristoforis Massimo
GNCS Larese Antonia
GNSAGA Longo Matteo
GNSAGA Lucchini Andrea
GNAMPA Luzzini Paolo
GNSAGA Maietti Maria Emilia
GNAMPA Mannucci Paola
GNCS Marchetti Francesco
GNAMPA Marchi Claudio
GNCS Marcuzzi Fabio
GNAMPA Mariconda Carlo
GNAMPA Marini Elisa
GNAMPA Marson Andrea
GNSAGA Maschio Samuele
GNAMPA Massenz Davide
GNCS Mazzia Annamaria
GNCS Millevoi Caterina
GNSAGA Mistretta Ernesto Carlo
GNCS Mohammadi Maryam
GNAMPA Motta Monica
GNAMPA Musolino Paolo
GNFM Nardi Alessandra
GNAMPA Ongarato Beatrice
GNAMPA Ottaviano Stefania
GNSAGA Parmeggiani Gemma
GNAMPA Paronetto Fabio
GNSAGA Peruginelli Giulio
GNFM Ponno Antonio
GNAMPA Prelli Luca
GNCS Putti Mario
GNAMPA Rampazzo Franco
GNCS Redivo Zaglia Michela
GNSAGA Rossi Paolo
GNSAGA Sambin Giovanni
GNSAGA Smaldore Valentino
GNCS Sommariva Alvise
GNCS Squizzato Michele
GNSAGA Tommasi Orsola
GNSAGA Tonolo Alberto
GNAMPA Tonon Daniele
GNAMPA Tralli Giulio
GNAMPA Treu Giulia
GNAMPA Vargiolu Tiziano
GNCS Vianello Marco
GNFM Zanelli Lorenzo

Most research areas in Mathematics and several areas of Computer Science are covered by members of the Unit. A description can be found at the URLs https://www.math.unipd.it/en/research/research-areas/ and http://www.gest.unipd.it/it/ricerca/aree-di-ricerca/analisi-matematica-e-geometria [it]

Research projects:

  • Finanziamento Progetto: “GIANTS: Geometric Inequalities, boundAry value problems aNd geomeTric flowS” – Linea 1 Starting Grants (euro 30.000,00); Dott. Fogagnolo Mattia (18/07/2024 – 2 anni)
  • Finanziamento Progetto: “VAC&GMT: Variational Aspects of Currents & other results in Geometrie Measure Theory” – Linea 2 Consolidator Grants (euro 30.000,00); Prof.ssa Annalisa Massaccesi (18/07/2024 – 2 anni)


  • Assegno Postdottorale di collaborazione ad attività di ricerca (2023-2024): Dott. Daniele Nemmi (direzione scientifica: Prof. Andrea Lucchini) (01/09/2024 – 1 anno, rinnovabile)

INdAM provides funding for the following activities that are being carried out in the Padua Research Unit within the Academic Year 2019-20:

  • Prof. Ivan Penkov (Bremen), INdAM Visiting Professor (Oct. 24 – Nov. 24).
  • Dr. LLeonard Rubio y Degrassi, Post Doc, 12 months starting on Dec. 1, 2019.

INdAM provides funding for the following activities that are being carried out in the Padua Research Unit within the Academic Year 2018-19:

  • MathTech project: it funds a one year Post Doctoral position (June 2018-May 2019) within the Padova section. This position is held by Dr. Paolo Gidoni. His interest is in both modeling and control of nonsmooth dynamical systems arising in soft robotic (in collaboration with G. Colombo) and in Nonlinear Analysis (in collaboration with members of other research units).
  • 2015 INdAM-DP-COFUND fellows: this is a PhD fellowship entirely funded by IndAM through a UE programme. Mr. Yukihide Nakada holds this fellowship since October 1st, 2018. His interest is in Algebraic Geometry and his supervisor is prof. Bruno Chiarellotto.
  • Bimestre Intensivo INdAM: this is a two months research activity funded by INdAM that will take place between May 12 and July 12. Is is the “Padova school on Serre conjectures and the p-adic Langlands program”. The URL is https://events.math.unipd.it/indamlanglands/
  • Visiting professors: this is a one month position fully funded by INdAM for professors that do not have a position in Italy are teach a course in the local PhD School. This position will be held by Prof. Jean-Paul Gauthier of the Univeristy of Toulon, see the URL https://www.math.unipd.it/~dottmath/corsi2019/Gauthier.pdf [pdf – 55.78 KB]
  • Travel expenses: the Institute, through its Research Groups, funds eight grants for supporting research tabroad and participation in workshops.
  • Research projects: the Institute, through its Research Groups, funds two research grants (total amount EUR 2400).