Seminars and Colloquia
- Colloquia Patavina
- Colloquia Mathematica Giovanni Prodi [it]
- Seminar in Differential Equations and Applications
- Seminar in Analysis
- Seminar in Geometry and Analysis
- Seminar in Algebraic and Complex Analysis
- Minicourses in Mathematical Analysis
- Seminario MALGA [it]
- Seminars in Algebraic Geometry and Number Theory
- Seminars in Mathematical Physics
- Seminar in Probability and Finance
- Seminario Dottorato
- Seminari di Informatica
- Seminari NumLab
Niente da visualizzare.
“On the Schrödinger evolution on surfaces in 3D contact sub-Riemannian manifolds”
“Diamond structures in KAM invariant curves of analytical billiard-like maps”
“Noise Sensitivity: Boolean setting and beyond”
“ New Advances on Hawkes Processes for a Better Risk Quantification”
“Minimal surfaces between Riemannian and sub-Riemannian geometry”
“Prismatic $F$-crystals and Wach modules”
“Arc-Flow models for some scheduling problems”
“Volterra Processes and their Applications”
“Bifurcation of planar balanced configurations for the $n$-body problem in dimension four”
“Quantisation of ‘semisimple’ coadjoint orbits, and relations with quantum de Rham spaces”
“From Zero-shot Learning to Training-free Generalization”
“Theoretical neuroscience: the geometry and dynamics of behavior, cognition, and learning”
“From curve shortening to flat link stability and Birkhoff sections of geodesic flows”
“Non-Reductive GIT and Moduli Spaces of Unstable Objects”
“On maximal totally real embedding”
“On the Lebesgue constant of the Morrow-Patterson points”
“Priority method over intuitionistic logic”
“Algebraic groups and Hecke algebras”
“Multidisciplinary approach to open quantum systems”
“Integral norm relations for Rankin-Eisenstein classes via unramified harmonic analysis”
“Representations of p-adic groups and the canonical dimension”
“A constructive theory of uniform spaces and its application to integration theory”
“On the formal Peterson subalgebra and its dual”
“Mean Field estimates for many body quantum dynamics”
“One day on Random walks on Lévy media”
“Structures in Foundations of Mathematics”
“Summer school in fluid dynamics and nonlinear PDEs”
“Topics in Group Theory” on the occasion of Andrea Lucchini’s 60th(+) birthday
“Semilinear clannish algebras arising from surfaces with orbifold points”
“The topological entropy conjecture”
“Refined invariants in Moduli Theory”
“Linear groups acting 4-arc-transitively on cubic graphs”
“Non-admissibility of Spiral-like strategies in Bressan’s Fire Conjecture”
“Motivic Lefschetz theorem for twisted Milnor hypersurfaces”
“A MFG approach for competing firms in the Emission Trading System”
“Numerical Solution of Wave Propagation Phenomena in Viscoelastic Materials”
“Monotone vector fields in the Wasserstein space”
“Graphs of prescribed mean curvature in Heisenberg groups”
“Overconvergent Prismatic Cohomology”
“Differential games and large population limits beyond the classic Mean-Field setting”
“Dispersion and Geometry in Padova”
“A bio-inspired geometric model for sound reconstruction”
“Equilibrium models of production and capacity expansion”
“Quantifier alternation depth in universal Boolean doctrines”
“MacWilliams identities for codes over rings”
“The fullness conjectures for products of elliptic curves”
“Collective periodic behaviors in large-volume interacting particle systems”
“5th Spring Colloquium on Probability and Finance”
“Optimizing over path-length matrices of unrooted binary trees ”
“Hochschild co/homology for non-compact spaces”
“Il luogo dei fibrati in rette triviali”
“Constructing the Constructible Universe Constructively”
“A sphere rolling on a plane: a journey into nonholonomic mechanics”
“Diffusion models in Biodesign”
“Convex optimization algorithms on quantum computers”
“First Integrals and Normal Forms for Nonlinear Oscillators”
“Sound Verification and Synthesis with Logic and Data”
“Approximation by Pseudo-Linear Neural Network Operators and Their Applications”
“Introduction to the wild Riemann-Hilbert correspondence”
“Flipclasses and combinatorial invariance for Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials”
“Hecke Algebras as Endomorphism Algebras of Parabolically Induced Representations”
“A capillarity approach for the regularity of soap films”
“P-adic numbers and characteristic p”
“A log/tropical take on Hurwitz numbers”
“A Variational Approach to Frozen Planet Orbit”
“On the stability of Möbius maps of the n-sphere”
“Modeling sparsity and mixed-binary nonconvex optimization problems”
“The Shifted Boundary / Shifted Fracture Method for Computational Mechanics”
“Gradient-based and Gradient-free Multidisciplinary Optimization”
“A Mathematical Model for Flagellar Activation Mechanisms”
“A daily trip among Relativistic Quantum systems”
“Ideals of rings of integer-valued polynomials: a topological approach”
“Classical Modular Forms and the k-square problem”
“The challenge of the applicability of KAM theorem: a computer-assisted approach”
“Lyapunov exponents of linear switched systems”
“Various notions of Hodge polygon for Barsotti-Tate groups with additional ramified structure”
“The nexus complex system: water, food, energy and ecosystem interactions”
“Optimal Transport in Cosmology and the Evolution of Large-Scale Structure”
“A differential game model for sponsored content”
“Reducibility and stability for the Klein Gordon equation with a perturbation of maximal order”
“Searching for low-dimensional neural manifolds”
“Digital twins: a general overview and the application to bread baking”
“Rectifiability of stationary varifolds branching set with multiplicity at most 2”
“On pyramidal groups of prime power degree”
Seminar series “Model Categories”
“Double-negation in the Foundation of Constructive Mathematics”
“Multi-Level Multi-Objective Stochastic Methods for Learning and Optimization”
“Wasserstein Generative Models”
“Coarse correlated equilibria in mean field games”
“A mean field planning approach to regularizations of the optimal transport problem”
“On the number of lower sets with fixed cardinality”
“Curvatura e Theorema Egregium: un percorso storico intorno alle Disquisitiones Generales di Gauss”
“Groups and geometry: from algebraic varieties to Galois representations and vice versa”
“A local-global problem for divisibility in algebraic groups”
“Ensamble Optimal Control: ResNets, Diffeomorphisms Approximation and Normalizing Flows”
“Factorization of matrix-functions: Recent results and some applications”
“A 2D Bin Packing Problem in the Sheet Metal Industry: models and solution approaches”
“Curved differential graded algebras and their derived categories”
“Explicit option pricing with additive processes”
“Random walks in random sceneries and related models”
“Theory and Data in Model Building: from Volterra to machine learning”
“Hopf algebras and Kaplansky’s sixth conjecture”
“Workshop on Doctrines & Fibrations”
“Cutting pattern optimization in sawmill”
“Survival and complete convergence for a branching annihilating random walk”
“Mathematical modelling of axon mechanics”
“Symmetries, groups and graphs: from the origins to today’s research”
“Optimal control with a stochastic switching time: introduction and solution approaches”
“Fractional forward variance models – volatility surfaces and other features”
“Tunneling for a Semi-classical Schrödinger operator with symmetries”
“4th Spring Colloquium on Probability and Finance”
“Reverse Mathematics for the working mathematician?”
“High-dimensional random polytopes of the Beta kind”
“Rough volatility, path-dependent PDEs and weak rates of convergence”
“Ergodic Mean-Field Games with Riesz-type aggregation”
“The symplectic reduction of sub-Riemannian geodesic flow in metabelian Carnot groups”
“On the volume of (half-)tubular neighborhoods of surfaces in sub-Riemannian geometry”
“Babai’s conjecture for classical groups with generating sets containing a transvection”
“Hydrodynamic limit of simple exclusion processes on point processes with random conductances”
“Portfolio choice under taxation and time constraints”
“Iterated Wreath Products in Product Action, in search for new HJI groups”
“Micro-Macro Limit: From the Follow-the-Leader Model to the Lighthill-Whitham-Richards Model”
“A brief introduction to Bloch-Kato conjecture”
“Predicative theory of stably locally compact locales”
“Solving Stochastic Control and Mean Field Games using Deep Reinforcement Learning”
“Internal Neighbourhood Spaces: Closed and closed morphisms”
“Implicative models for set theory”
“Complex Networks: a highly interdisciplinary field. Theory and Applications”
“Hydrodynamics for the partial exclusion process in random environment via stochastic duality”
“Optimal investment and fair sharing rules of the incentives for renewable energy communities”
“Binomial coefficients in modular arithmetic – A mathematical solution to musical questions”
“Singular integral operators and boundary value problems for analytic functions”
“Entropic turnpike estimates for the kinetic Schrödinger problem”
“Moving Least Square Approximation using Variably Scaled Discontinuous Weight Function”
“Gaussian Kinematic Formulas for Random Spherical Harmonics”
“Mini workshop on derived categories and mirror symmetry”
“Magnetic Curvature and Existence of Closed Magnetic Geodesic”
“Trace theorems for regular geometrical weighted trees”
“Shear flows and viscoelastic fluids”
“Mini workshop on the moduli space of curves and related structures”
“A model of optimal incentives for renewable investments”
“Mini workshop on complex and tropical geometry”
“A Path in Algebra – two days on the occasion of Alberto Tonolo’s 60th birthday”
“Interest rate market: how economic changes affect mathematical modeling”
“Ill behaved harmonic functions on a ball”
“Quantum differential equations, isomonodromic deformations, and derived categories”
“Isoparametricity and the Pompeiu property”
“Phase transition for level-set percolation of the membrane model”
“Stochastic volatility models: A Malliavin calculus approach”
“Skew braces and indecomposable solution”
“Biased elementary doctrines and generalized quotient completion”
“On quiver categories associated to quadratic differentials”
“Introduction to sub-Riemannian geometry”
“Constructing a universe for the setoid model”
“How to solve your next math problem by computer. Three stories on proof-assistants”
“Power laws in market microstructure”
“Counting meromorphic differentials with zero residues on the Riemann sphere and the KP hierarchy”
“Bicategories in univalent foundations”
“A neural network approach for the estimation of mortgage prepayment rates”
“Social media analysis and detection of online financial disinformation”
“On the Excursion Area of Time Dependent Spherical Random Fields”
“Chaotic dynamical systems and applications to the solar system dynamics”
“Lo sviluppo storico della Meccanica Celeste ed il suo ruolo nelle scienze fisiche”
“Dynamics and Neural Collapse in Deep Classifiers trained with the Square Loss”
“On profinite groups with restricted centralizers of $\pi$-elements”
“Structure of Vertex Neighbourhoods of Solubility Graphs”
“Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser (KAM) stability and its application in the planetary n-body problem”
“Finsler-Rellich inequalities involving the distance to the boundary”
“3rd Spring Colloquium on Probability and Finance”
“Geometrical degrees of freedom for Whitney elements”
“Set-theoretic solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation and related associative structure”
“An Efficient Authentication Scheme over Blockchain for Fog Computing-enabled Internet of Vehicles”
“The Graph p-Laplacian Eigenvalue Problem”
“The magnetic properties of fractal structures”
“Pointwise convergence problems in analysis and ergodic theory”
“Security Threats and Authentication for IoV: A Brief Overview”
“Strong Sard Conjecture in three dimensional analytic manifolds”
“Completeness: Turing, Schütte, Feferman (and Löb)”
“Primi elementi di calcolo funzionale per funzioni slice-regolari di variabile quaternionica”
“Open Problems in the DAEDALUS-CAM, An Immersive Stereocamera for Lunar Caves Exploration”
“Optimal control problems: existence of minimizers, necessary conditions, and gap phenomena”
“Signature processes in mathematical finance, an introduction”
“Models for liquid crystals on surfaces”
“Multifractal approach to fully developed turbulence”
“Beyond Nash Equilibria in Mean Field Games”
“Coomologia g-orbifold e risoluzioni crepanti”
“Modular curves and Heegner points”
“Poisson hyperplanes in hyperbolic space”
“A Well-Posed Surface Integral Equation for the Maxwell Dielectric Problem”
“Quantum tau functions and a Chiodo class”
“Optimizing smooth objectives on convex sets without projections”
“Trimming Data Sets: a Verified Algorithm for Robust Mean Estimation”
“Optimal management of pumped hydroelectric production with state constrained optimal control”
“The critical node/edge detection problem on trees”
“Mathematical Finance: a Tale of Stochastic Processes”
“Planar aggregation with subcritical fluctuations and the Hastings-Levitov models”
“Embeddings of spaces with multiweighted derivatives and their applications”
“Chebyshev Greeks: Smoothing Gamma without Bias”
“Frobenius manifolds, moduli spaces of curves, and enumerative geometry: the topological recursion”
“The Modularity Theorem and Fermat’s Last Theorem”
“Kinetically constrained models out of equilibrium”
“On semi-classical spectral series for an atom in a periodic circularly polarized electric field”
“The social dilemma of stubborness vs. herding in social decisions: a mean field (game) model”
“Synchronization and asymptotic dynamics of mechanical systems: an introduction”
“Nonzero-sum stochastic Impulse Games with an application in competitive retail energy markets”
“The complex eikonal equation in 2D”
“Reducing infinitary induction-induction”
“Normalization for Cubical Type Theory ”
“Electromagnetism in seismology”
“An introduction to singular control problems through an electricity market model”
“Graded Doctrines and Linear Equality”
“Perturbations near the vertex of a plane sector and a 3D cone”
“An introduction to the Hybrid High-Order method with application to nonlinear problems”
“An inverse problem in electromagnetism with partial data”
“Condensation of SIP particles and sticky Brownian motion”
“An intuitive introduction to p-adic geometry”
“The double-double ramification cycle”
“The symmetric inclusion process: some properties and scaling limit”
“On the simulation of planar homogeneous flows”
“Phase transitions in sparse random graphs and coagulation processes”
“Time-harmonic electromagnetic waves in anisotropic media: theoretical and numerical analysis”
“Optimal stopping theory and American options”
“The Electromagnetic Transmission Eigenvalue Problem”
“A differential eigenproblem of electromagnetics”
“Node immunization in networks: a scalable searching algorithm based on random rooted forests”
“Limit theorems for Lévy flights on a 1D Lévy random medium”
“Scale-free percolation in continuous space”
“An introduction to the moduli space of smooth curves and its compactification”
“The Domain Derivative for Time Harmonic Electromagnetic Scattering Problems”
“Information Technology Risks”
“Metastability for an SPDE via functional inequalities”
“Regularity theory for Maxwell’s equations”
“Detecting anomalies in complex networks”
“Weak KAM, Homogenization and Ergodic Control: an introduction”
“Questioni di generazione ed enumerazione in gruppi finiti e gruppi di permutazione”
“Falde birazionali e teoria delle deformazioni per alcune varietà di Poisson”
“FA-TOOLBOX: solving PDEs with Hilbert Complexes”
“Mathematical modeling in Finance”
“Power grids as stochastic networks: emergent failures and mitigation strategies”
“Steklov eigenvalues for Maxwell’s equations”
“Homological algebra: deforming abelian groups using torsion pairs”
“Critical and near-critical scaling limits for the planar Ising model”
“Differential Game Models of Optimal Debt Management”
“Regularisation by noise and notions of irregularity”
“On the mystery of generic object”
“Boundary stickiness of nonlocal minimal surfaces”
“Lagrangian and conservative solutions of the 2D Euler equations”
“Entropic repulsion for the occupation-time field of random interlacements by disconnection”
“Shape optimization applied to Eulimnadiae eggs”
“Efficient representation of supply and demand curves on day-ahead electricity markets”
“A new Universality Class in (1+1)-dimensions: the Brownian Castle”
“Soil searching by an artificial root”
“Metastability for the randomly dilute Curie-Weiss model with Glauber dynamics”
“On the structure of weak solutions to Burgers equation”
“Computational problems in mathematical physical modelling with DLTI systems”
“Maximal regularity for viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations”
“An energy functional for $L^1$-optimal transport”
“$\Gamma$-convergence and homogenisation for a class of degenerate functionals”
“Homogenization for nonlocal Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equations”
“Regularity, existence and multiplicity results for the fractional p-Laplacian”
“An energy functional for $L^1$-optimal transport”
“Understanding the most likely evolution of interacting particle systems”
“On the orthotropic Laplacian”
“Examples of compacts on algebraic sets with/without Markov’s inequality”
“Turbulence, shell models and critical exponents for dissipation”
“A stationary solution for turbulence shell models”
“230V/50Hz – Attacking the European power grid for fun and profit”
“Nilpotent varieties: properties of the most classical cases”
“Scacchiere egualitarie e matrici di Hadamard”
“On sets of functions with variation diminishing property”
“A random journey among stochastic processes”
“A Lanczos-like method for the time-ordered exponential”
“Computing with private data – Data Processing in the Encrypted Domain”
“Algebraic Analysis and Geometry”
“Lessons from Archives: Strategies for Collecting Sociocultural Data in Machine Learning”
“Dynamical fitness models: evidence of universality classes for preferential attachment”
“Joyal-Tierney and constructive model theory”
“Ramified local set theories, hyperdoctrines and triposes”
“Gradient of the single layer potential and rectifiability”
“Nonlinear models in Quantum Mechanics”
“Differentiation theorems for bases of rectangles”
“Meglio un uovo oggi o una gallina domani? (Breve introduzione alla Revenue Management)”
“Stable hypersurfaces in the complex projective space”
“Membrane shapes that minimize the multiphase Canham-Helfrich energy”
“Lower Bounds for Maximal Matchings and Maximal Independent Sets”
Seminari MALGA Padova Verona – Moduli Algebre Anelli
“Probabilistic recursive neural networks for density estimation over generalized random graphs”
“An introduction to sheets of conjugacy classes in reductive groups”
“A rectifiability result for sets of finite perimeter in Carnot groups”
“Resolvent estimates inside the numerical range of non-self-adjoint operators and applications”
“Some regularity results for minimizers in dynamic optimization”
“A smooth introduction to the semi-classical problem in Quantum Mechanics”
“Global observables and infinite mixing”
“Minimal bubble clusters in the plane with double density”
Seminari MALGA Padova Verona – Moduli Algebre Anelli
“Abel-Jacobi maps and double ramification cycles”
“On the micro-to-macro limit for 1D conservation laws”
“The Schrödinger equation in dimension two with a pointwise nonlinearity: a puzzling model”
“Geometry of 1-codimensional measures in the Heisenberg groups”
“A Subsampling Line-Search Method with Second-Order Results”
“Potential Theory and Boundary Element Method for the Laplace equation. An introduction”
“Metamaterial design: a challenge in mathematical physics and engineering sciences”
“Some results on the flow of vector fields of BV class”
“Internal Neighbourhood Spaces”
“Linear Programming Approach to Long Run Average Optimal Control: The Non-Ergodic Case”
“Biharmonic eigenvalues on annuli and rectangles”
“Selection by vanishing common noise for potential finite state mean field games”
“On the geometry of soap films and soap bubbles”
“On fractional Sobolev, Isoperimetric and Poincaré inequalities”
“Notions of recurrence and transitivity for discrete dynamical systems”
“On the strong minimum in optimal control, a view from variational analysis”
“An overview on non-unique factorizations”
“Graph Theory and the Transfinite”
“Le ragioni per cui i Social Networks ci rendono vulnerabili alla disinformazione”
“Global Analysis of Locally Symmetric Spaces with Indefinite metric”
“Simmetria speculare e automorfismi”
“CSI NN: Reverse Engineering of Neural Network Architectures Through Electromagnetic Side Channel”
“Algorithms for processing manifold-valued data and applications”
“Fund models, CAPM, and attempting to approximate growth optimality”
“Including topographic effects in shallow water modeling”
“Manifolds with two projective bundles structures”
“Half day in stochastic processes and mathematical finance” and the discussion of a PhD thesis