Università degli Studi di Padova

“Lyapunov exponents of linear switched systems”

Martedì 27 Febbraio 2024, ore 17:00 - Aula 2AB40 - Michele Motta (Phd student at SISSA)


In applications, there are many systems whose dynamics can be influenced by discrete events. For instance, a power switch turned on and off, a thermostat turning the heat on and off, a car running on a street with some ice here and there. Such systems are called switched systems.

As for classical dynamical systems, stability for this class of systems is a very important issue. A natural way to measure the stability is to use Lyapunov exponents.

In this talk, I will show how to compute exact Lyapunov exponents for a simple class of switched systems. This problem can be reduced to an Optimal Control Problem. Applying Pontryagin Maximum Principle, one can find all extremals for this problem and then choose among them the optimal one.

This is a joint work with Prof. A.A. Agrachev.

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