“Beyond Nash Equilibria in Mean Field Games”
Thursday 17 February 2022 h. 14:30 - Room 2AB45 Wednesday 23 February 2022 h. 14:30 - Room 1A150 and Zoom - Ofelia Bonesini (Padova, Dip. Mat.)
The concept of Nash Equilibrium is the most important (and famous) notion in Game Theory.
Assuming that the audience is not familiar with the topic, we will first warm up with an introduction to recall all the basic definitions and results. Then, we will focus on two extensions: Correlated Equilibria and Mean Field Games. Finally, we will gather things together to see how the definition of a Correlated solution can be formulated and its validity checked in the mean field context. Time permitting, I will mention some results of my research.
The video of the seminar will appear shortly afterwards in this Mediaspace channel.