Giulio Giusteri's Web Page

My research focuses on developing and applying mathematical theories to describe and understand basic physical phenomena, ranging from the mechanical behavior of soft matter to the dynamics in disordered quantum networks to general systems of interactions. Answering questions like "What's the best mathematics for talking about this phenomenon?", I want to enhance our understanding of nature.

Research topics

PhD and Master's thesis projects are available in those research fields.
For further details see my publications.

PRIN 2022 project: Mathematical models for viscoelastic biological matter

See the project page.

Research Group

Open positions:

Postdoctoral scholars

Sara Galasso (2023-)

PhD students

Muhanna Ali H Alrashdi (2021-)
Laura Rinaldi (co-supervision, 2022-)
Pietro De Checchi (2023-)
Francesca Berlinghieri (2023-)


Luca Santelli (Postdoc, 2021-2022)
Francesca Tedeschi (PhD, 2019-2022)
Alessio Gabriele Soggiu (MSc, 2020-2021)