Call for expressions of interest in a position of Professor of Mathematics or Computer Science
Deadline: Wednesday, May 31th, 2023
The Department of Mathematics “Tullio Levi-Civita” of the University of Padova invites applications for academic openings at the Associate and/or Full Professor level from any field of Mathematics and Computer Science covered through a direct call procedure. The Department is seeking established scientists with an outstanding record of high impact research, excellence and leadership; the successful candidate will be expected to actively contribute to the department’s academic program, its strategy and governance, as well as providing scientific leadership and participating in large-scale grant applications.
The Direct Calls program of the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR) provides opportunities to fund academic positions for scientists and scholars who have been working abroad on an equivalent position for at least three years.
During this first phase we aim at collecting expressions of interest from potential candidates.
The Department of Mathematics is committed to improving the gender balance of its faculty and particularly welcomes applications from qualified women.
Scholars wishing to manifest their interest are encouraged to submit a brief motivation letter and a curriculum vitae of their scientific career including the full list of their publications by May 31th, 2023.
Any further enquiries can be addressed to the email address
The submission web portal can be found at:
We expect the whole procedure to lead to an effective hiring at our department by the end of 2024. On the other hand, because of the requirement of having been working outside Italy for (at least) 3 years, a tax waiver on the salary will be applied.