“Control of state constrained dynamical systems – 3rd Edition”
September 24-27, 2024 - Dipartimento di Matematica “Tullio Levi-Civita”, Università degli Studi dii Padova
The aim of the conference is bringing together people from some different communities, trying to foster new scientific relations. In fact, while the dynamics of sweeping and more general rate independent processes is well studied, control problems are not yet well developed. On the other hand, the controlled sweeping process can be seen as a rather nonclassical type of control problems with state constraints. Moreover, several models using sweeping processes appear in the literature, and we think that finding natural control problems involving them can be of significant interest.
The communities we intend to gather together include people who study:
- the dynamics and the control of Moreau’s sweeping process;
- the control of (classical) deterministic control problems with state constraints;
- models from science and technology involving the sweeping process.