Seminari - archivio

“Chebyshev Greeks: Smoothing Gamma without Bias”
Venerdì 29 Ottobre 2021, ore 14:30 - Aula 2BC30 e Zoom - Andrea Pallavicini (Imperial College London and Banca IMI)
“Frobenius manifolds, moduli spaces of curves, and enumerative geometry: the topological recursion”
Mercoledì 20 Ottobre 2021, ore 11:00 - Aula 2AB40 - Danilo Lewanski (IHES e IPhT - France)
“The Modularity Theorem and Fermat’s Last Theorem”
Wednesday 6 October 2021 h. 16:00 - Room 1A150 or Zoom - Luca Mastella (Dipartimento di Matematica “Tullio Levi-Civita”)
“Kinetically constrained models out of equilibrium”
Venerdì 24 Settembre 2021, ore 14:30 - Zoom - Oriane Blondel (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1)
“On semi-classical spectral series for an atom in a periodic circularly polarized electric field”
Venerdì 16 Luglio 2021, ore 10:30 - Zoom - Michel Rouleux (CPT - Université de Toulon)
“Local central limit theorem and potential kernel estimates for a class of symmetric heavy-tailed random variables”
Venerdì 9 Luglio 2021, ore 14:30 - Zoom - Wioletta Ruzsel (University of Utrecht)
“Multidimensional singular control and related Skorokhod problem: sufficient conditions for the characterization of optimal controls”
Mercoledì 7 Luglio 2021, ore 14:30 - Aula 2BC30 + Zoom - Giorgio Ferrari
“The social dilemma of stubborness vs. herding in social decisions: a mean field (game) model”
Venerdì 25 Giugno 2021, ore 14:30 - Zoom - Paolo Dai Pra (Università di Verona)
“Stability and asymptotic properties of a linearized hydrodynamic medium model for dispersive media in nanophotonics”
Mercoledì 23 Giugno 2021, ore 17:00 - Zoom - Serge Nicaise (LAMAV, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France, Valenciennes, France)
“Synchronization and asymptotic dynamics of mechanical systems: an introduction”
Wednesday 9 June 2021 h. 14:30 - Zoom - Sara Galasso (Dipartimento di Matematica “Tullio Levi-Civita”)