Seminari - archivio
“On Wiener-Hopf Factorization of Matrix Functions: An effective criterion for a stable factorisation,‘Regularised’ versus ‘Exact’ factorization factorization”
Lunedì 9 Settembre 2024, ore 11:30 - aula 1BC50 - Gennady Mishuris (Aberystwyth University)
Leggi“Combinatorial study of coefficients of the decomposition theorem for universal linear degenerations”
Venerdì 26 Luglio 2024, ore 14:30 - Aula 2BC30 - Marianne Deglise (ENS-Paris-Saclay)
Leggi“Semilinear clannish algebras arising from surfaces with orbifold points”
Giovedì 11 Luglio 2024, ore 9:30 - Aula 2BC30 - Daniel Labardini Fragoso (Instituto de Matemáticas - UNAM)
Leggi“Topological Data Analysis: basic concepts and applications”
Thursday 20 June 2024 h. 15:30 - Room 2BC30 - Cinzia Bandiziol (Padova, Dip. Mat.)
Leggi“The topological entropy conjecture”
Martedì 11 Giugno 2024, ore 17:00 - Aula 1BC45 - Andrea Ulliana (Phd student Universtitat Zurich UZH)
Leggi“Refined invariants in Moduli Theory”
Lunedì 10 Giugno 2024, ore 13:00 - Aula 1BC45 - Sergej Monavari (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne)
Leggi“Strichartz estimates for the Dirac equation in different settings”
Wednesday 5 June 2024 h. 14:30 - Room 2BC30 - Elena Danesi (Padova, Dip. Mat.)
Leggi“On the continuous extension of the logarithmic double layer potential to the Ahlfors-regular boundary of a domain”
Mercoledì 5 Giugno 2024, ore 14:30 - Aula 2AB40 - Sergiy Plaksa