Seminari - archivio

“A brief introduction to Bloch-Kato conjecture”
Wednesday 8 February 2023 h. 15:30 - Room 2BC30 - Shilun Wang (Padova, Dip. Mat.)
“Predicative theory of stably locally compact locales”
Venerdì 3 Febbraio 2023, ore 15:00 - Aula 1A150 - Tatsuji Kawai (JAIST, Japan)
“Counting meromorphic differentials on the Riemann sphere: explicit formulas and a relation with mathematical physics”
Giovedì 2 Febbraio 2023, ore 14:30 - Aula 2AB40 - Alexandr Buryak (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)
“Solving Stochastic Control and Mean Field Games using Deep Reinforcement Learning”
Venerdì 27 Gennaio 2023, ore 14:30 - Aula 2BC30 e Zoom - Athanasios Vasileiadis (Université Côte d'Azur)
“Internal Neighbourhood Spaces: Closed and closed morphisms”
Giovedì 26 Gennaio 2023, ore 15:00 - Aula ABC45 - Partha Ghosh (University of South Africa)
“Implicative models for set theory”
Giovedì 26 Gennaio 2023, ore 15:45 - Aula ABC45 - Samuele Maschio (Università di Padova)
“Complex Networks: a highly interdisciplinary field. Theory and Applications”
Wednesday 18 January 2023 h. 15:30 - Room 2BC30 - Sara Venturini (Padova, Dip. Mat.)
“Hydrodynamics for the partial exclusion process in random environment via stochastic duality”
Mercoledì 21 Dicembre 2022, ore 11:00 - Aula 2AB45 e Zoom - Simone Floreani (University of Oxford)
“Optimal investment and fair sharing rules of the incentives for renewable energy communities”
Venerdì 16 Dicembre 2022, ore 15:30 - Aula 702 e Zoom - Almendra Awerkin (Università di Brescia)
“Binomial coefficients in modular arithmetic – A mathematical solution to musical questions”
Wednesday 14 December 2022 h. 15:30 - Room 2BC30 - Riccardo Gilblas (Padova, Dip. Mat.)