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This is a collection of slides of some recent presentations (invited talks and/or contributions at meetings, seminars).
  1. Punti "fake" e qualche loro applicazione invited talk at Giornata di Studio per Renato Spigler , Roma 29 Jan. 2025 (508Kb)
  2. Multivariate approximation of functions and data: from Padua points to "fake" nodes and beyond invited talk at BIT65, Uppsala 15 Jan. 2025 (9.8Mb)
  3. Leonard Peter Bos (Len Bos): a friend, a mathematician and a mentor invited talk at DWCAA2024, 12 Sept. 2024 (5.1Mb)
  4. Variably Scaled Persistence Kernels (VSPKs) for persistent homology applications invited talk at the Minisymposium "Approximation Theory and Applications", Second Joint Meeting AMS-UMI. University of Palermo, 25 July 2024 (1.1Mb)
  5. Three simple mapping strategies for approximating (scattered) data and functions invited talk at Constructive Approximation of Functions 4, on the occasion of the 80th birthday of Wieslaw Plesniak, Cracow 25-28 June, 2024 (2.1Mb)
  6. A short tour of radial basis functions and meshless approximation (in about 50 slides) seminar given at the University of Cagliari, April 29th, 2024 (8.3Mb)
  7. Aldaz-Kounchev-Render (AKR) operators: approximation properties and their extension to higher dimensions seminar given at the Reny Institute, Budapest, February 8th, 2024 (2.4Mb)
  8. On $(\beta,\gamma)$-Chebyshev functions and points plenary talk at "Multivariate Approximation Theory", Ruischholzhausen 12-17 March 2023 (1.28Mb)
  9. My approximation theory results using the Five Ws rule Plenary talk at "Constructuve Functions Theory 3", Krakow 22-24 Feb. 2023 (8.9Mb)
  10. On $(\beta,\gamma)$-Chebyshev functions and points of the interval and some extensions Plenary talk at the INTERNATIONAL E-CONFERENCE ON MATHEMATICAL AND STATISTICAL SCIENCES: A SELCUK MEETING 20-22 Oct. 2022 (1.2 Mb)
  11. Interpolation and approximation of discontinuities via mapped polynomials and discontinous kernels Plenary talk at "MACMAS 2019 International Conference", Granada 9-11 Sep. 2019 (2.8Mb)
  12. Radial basis functions topics in about 150 slides Tutorial done at the "2nd Workshop on Meshless for finance", Teheran 3-5 Feb. 2019 (5.5Mb)
  13. Treating geospatial complex data by compression and reduced order methods, UMI-SIMAI-PTM joint meeting, Wroclaw 19 Sept. 2018 (4.0Mb)
  14. Radial basis functions topics in 40 +1 slides, March 22, 2018 (1.8Mb)
  15. New developments on rational RBF INdAM-GNCS annual meeting, Montecatini Terme (PT), 14 Feb. - 16 Feb., 2018 (2.0Mb)
  16. Fast and stable rational RBF-based Partion of Unity interpolation SMART 2017, Gaeta (Latina) Italy, 17 Sep. - 21 Sep. 2017 (4.3Mb).
  17. Lissajous sampling and adaptive spectral filtering for the reduction of the Gibbs phenomenon in Magnetic Particle Imaging (MPI) 2nd IM-Workshop on "Applied Approximation, Signals and Images" - Bernried, 27 Feb. - 3 Mar. 2017 (4.09Mb).
  18. On the rescaled method for RBF approximation Workshop "Multivariate Approximation and Interpolation with Applications" - Luminy (France), September 21st, 2016 (1.7Mb).
  19. Intergration on manifolds by mapped low-discrepancy points and greedy minimal K_s-energy points Workshop "IBC on the 70th anniversary of Henryk Woźniakowski" - Bedlewo (Poland), September 1st, 2016 (1.7Mb).
  20. Polynomial approximation on Lissajous curves on the d-cube "5th Journèes d'Approximation" - Lille (France), May 20th, 2016 (0.84 Mb).
  21. Kernel-based Image Reconstruction from scattered Radon data by (anisotropic) positive definite functions. Worskshop on "Kernel-based methods and function approximation" - Department of Mathematics, University of Torino (Italy), February 5th, 2016 (2.3Mb).
  22. On the Lebesgue constant of the Floater-Hormann rational interpolants Colloquium at the Department of Mathematics, Université de Fribourg (Swiss) on Nov. 3rd, 2015 (1.7Mb).
  23. Trivariate polynomial approximation on Lissajous curves Talk given at the Scholoss Dagsthul (Germany), at the seminar 15251 on June 17th, 2015 (823 Kb).
  24. A new quasi-Monte Carlo technique based on nonnegative least squares and approximate Fekete points Talk given at the Department of Informatics, University of Antwerp (Belgium), on Dec 5th, 2014 (1.7 Mb).
  25. Multivariate Christoffel functions and hyperinterpolation Talk given at the Institute of Numerical and Applied Mathematics, University of Goettingen (Germany), on Dec 2nd, 2014 (4.2 Kb).
  26. On a new orthonormal basis for RBF native spaces and its fast computation Talk given at the Department of Mathematics, University of Torino (Italy), on June 11th, 2014 (2.1 Mb).
  27. Padua points: genesis, theory, computation and applications this is the talk presenting the more significant results on Padua points.
    The last presentation was done at the Department of Mathematics, University of Warsaw (Poland), on April 2nd, 2014 (0.711 Mb).
  28. On a new orthonormal basis for RBF native spaces San Diego (USA), SIAM Annual meeting: July 8th, 2013 (1.08 Mb).
  29. 3-dimensional Weakly Admissible Meshes: interpolation and cubature Hagen (Germany): Sept. 27th, 2011 (2.03 Mb).
  30. 3-dimensional Weakly Admissible Meshes Budapest (Hungary): Jul. 8th, 2011 (1.92 Mb).
  31. On Multivariate Newton Interpolation at Discrete Leja Points Goettingen (Germany): Jan. 14th, 2011 (2.24 Mb).
  32. On the Lebesgue constants of a family of rational interpolants on equispaced and non-equispaced points Padova: Dec. 22nd, 2010 (1.07 Mb).
  33. On the Lebesgue constant of Floater-Hormann's rational interpolant on equispaced points Oslo (Norway): Sept. 27th, 2010 (930 Kb).
  34. Weakly Admissible Meshes and Discrete Extremal Sets , CFT 2010, Sozopol (Bulgaria): Jun. 5th, 2010 (517 Kb).
  35. Matching food and wine and (some) mathematics , DWCAA09 Canazei (Italy): Sept. 6th, 2009 (760 Kb).
  36. Geometric greedy and greedy points for RBF interpolation , CMMSE09, Gijon (Spain): Jul. 2th, 2009 (747 Kb).
  37. Padua points: theory, computation and applications , Oslo (Norway): Apr. 2th, 2009 (677 Kb).
  38. Interpolation points and interpolation formule on the square , Zaragoza (Spain): Dec. 11th, 2008 (1.2 Mb).
  39. Stability and Lebesgue Constants in RBF Interpolation , Goettingen (Germany): Sept. 20th, 2008 (1.35 Mb).
  40. New cubature and hyperinterpolation in the cube , Toensberg (Norway): Jun. 28th, 2008 (1.19 Mb).